Pizza 12

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MY LIFE SUCKS! I'm laying in my bed. My hand hurts and I'm crying. I'm thinking about my life and I don't like it at all. But I have my escape. Every time I think about suicide or when I want to be dead I think and I remember Hannah. I think about Hannah waiting on me,and I just say to myself that I need to fight and try to be better for her! I have something to live for! I have my dreams. I hope and I think that she's having the same motivation. It's been really hard for both of us these days. We weren't connected that much cause we had our problems to solve,but we helped each other with that. I just finished watching The Hunger Games. Again haha. And after those movies I just think about how insane is this world and that I need to fight if I want something. I'm glad that I have my beautiful princess to help me. She's the only one I have besides Callum. I think we're becoming best friends. But I need to admit that I love Hannah way more then Callum. You know Callum's just my friend(or best friend whatever). But Hannah is my world and my everything and no one is going to be like her! She means the most to me and it's staying this way. Well for those who don't know... Callum is Hannah's friend and I "met" him by Hannah. We started talking and it turned out he's pretty cool. So we came to the point when I tell you that I have just two friends and these two friends are on the other side of the world and I never actually met them. YOU GET IT NOW?

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