Where they like to kiss you

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Erwin - Being the gentlemen he is I picture him kissing your hand and treating you like a princess.

Eren - Eren would like to kiss you on your cheek. Usually it would be when he's hugging you or when he's just walking past you. He'd quickly peck your cheek before being scolded by Levi for slacking off work then scurrying off.

Levi - Levi would like to kiss your neck the most. He liked to watch you get flustered and embarrassed about it. He'd also like it when he'd leave a hicky on your neck and you'd try to hide it from you friends. It would entertain him to watch you brush off their questions about to small mark on your neck.

Jean - Jean would like to kiss your collar bone. I know it sounds weird but when you both had your moments of intimacy he'd like to kiss your collar bone. (idek he's just weirdly perfect like that)

Marco - Marco would like to kiss the top of your head. When he held you or when you slept beside each other he would gently kiss the top of your head. It was something which he found cute and you found equally as cute.

Reiner - Being a the person he is he'd like to kiss your feet. He wouldn't admit it but he had a major foot fetish and he just loved your feet so much.

Armin - Armin is such a cutie think he'd like to kiss your nose the most. He'd like to watch you blush and scrunch up your nose after he had done it. He just found it adorable.

This imagine was not including your lips. It was meant to be another place but your lips.

Can you guys guess who my favourite character is yet? Comment if you think you know!

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