Chapter 25

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a/n: trying to make the book as speedy as I can so please don't mind me!

Elsa's pOV

7 years later....

I was walking in the streets when these bad guys tried to hurt me.....
Then this guy who had silvery white hair suddenly came and rescued me.

Jack? What is he doing in my dream?

j: you OK?

E: yeah....

J: so you still love me?

What question is that?!

I suddenly opened my eyes and realized I was on the plane.

Yup I am going home!!! After 5 years of studying architecture.
My hair grew to my waist again which is actually great.

I heard that hiccup is running a big zoo in our home town and I can't wait to see it.
Eugene got a big jewelry shop! Which is kinda cool!
Rapunzel got the company of Fashion designing!
Merida has a school for sports!
Anna had a big boutique and lastly Kristoff got a big delivery stuff. Like maybe transporting different delicacies from other countries or something.
And if you ask me what's up with Jack? I don't know! I don't talk to him!


When I was going down the plan, My hair was in a bun and I am wearing my sunglasses while wearing lady tux. Yeah I have matured already!

"Elsa!" I heard a familiar voice. I quickly placed my sun glasses above my head and I saw my sister!

"Anna!!!" I squeezed her tight as I hugged her. Wow she did mature too! She is now wearing a bun

then I saw my parents.

"mom! Dad!" I yelled and hugged them.

"awww... I missed my girl!" dad said

"how's my baby?" mom aksed

"good!" I said

"wow! Your hair grew!" Anna said

"obviously it will!" I smirked at her.

"come on! Let's take you home!" dad said

"finally! And I can't wait to taste your chocolate pudding once again mom!" I Said while walking elegantly.

"my daughter finally matured..." I heard mom.


When I arrived home I saw Jack's house with lights again. Guess he is back. But I ain't talking to him! I still hate him!

"surprise!!!!!" there was a loud noise when I got in the house.

I saw all of my friends! Rapunzel is letting down her hair! Merida slightly tamed her hair. Hiccup had groomed his hair well. Eugene is having a mustache! Penny is wearing her hair in a ponytail and Sherman looks less nerdy!

"wow!" I said and hugged them.

"you've all grown!" I said

"wow! Elsa! You have matured!" merida said

"and you finally tamed your hair!" I teased and we all laughed.

"aren't you gonna look for someone else?" hiccup asked

"is there someone missing?" I asked

"obviously your best friend whom you love!" Rapunzel squeeled

"nah! He is probably busy!" I said.

And we went on and on with talking.
It was fun But I really got tired so I went to my room! And it is still the way I left it!

I jumped on the bed!

"I missed you!" I yelled on the bed while shaking off my heels away.

And I untied my bun and took off my garments and changed into my black and white night gown.

Currently its 7 in the evening. So I went to the kitchen and prepared my self a mug of hot chocolate. And when to my balcony!

"ahhh...." I sighed as the cold breeze was flowing in my long hair.

And I saw Jack's room lighted up. Eh! Don't wanna do anything about him! I just smiled recalling my memories when I was in high school! It was the best!

Although in collage a lot of guys did try to court me. But in my first few months I would always cry about jack. And now I am a matured lady ready to take my duty in the company tomorrow!

Yup! I'll be starting tomorrow.

Jack's POV

I heard Elsa is home today. And I'm sure she does not wanna see me right now.

Yeah I haven't seen her yet. But later on I will. I will find a way to be with her again.

And currently I am making a new shop! A wine shop and I need an architect. So I called and searched for architects some where and I saw. The name of Elizabeth! And it says she is a professional. So I called her.

j: hello!

E: hi this is Elizabeth A. How can I help you?

J: I need an architect to design my new wine shop!

E: I think I can help you with that! What your name?

J: just write in there Jackson!

E: OK sir Jackson! If its OK with you we can have a meeting in person and you can detail all you want for your new wine shop!

J: sure sounds great! I'll meet you at 9 am at **** restaurant.

E: OK sir Jackson!

J; OK thank you!

Then I canceled the call. But I think Elizabeth's voice is kinda familiar. Something I really wanna hear a long time ago....

Elsa's POV

OK! First client and I am gonna be so exited to sleep before doing my nightmare tomorrow.

Jackson's voice is kinda familiar. But whatever! I'm going to bed!

When I was laying down on my bed Anna came in.

"do you know how to knock?" I ask

"your asking me that and not any more your knock knock jokes?" Anna asked laying beside me. " can I sleep with you? You know I missed you!"

"sure! Why not?" I said and she laid down beside me.

"did you find any guy in new York?" Anna asked


"so you mean you still like Jack?" she asked

"I don't wanna talk about him tonight.... I have my first client tomorrow and I don't wanna fail..." I said facing back

"I understand... I know what you and Jack a have been trough and I know you haven't moved on yet.." Anna said an we both fell asleep.

Tomorrow is gonna be special cause I have my first ever client!

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