Chapter 33

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Elsa's POV

Jack and I drove to... I don't know I didn't ask.

"I really thought your parents are gonna kill me if they really thought we did something!" jack laughed and I did too.

"I know! I'm sorry if my sister is green minded!" I giggled.

"yeah it's OK!" jack said still eyeing the road.

"where are we going actually?!" I asked.

Bit jack did not answer.

After a few minutes we made it to... school?!

"what are doing here in school?!" I asked.

Yeah Its lunch time and the students looked at Us.

"omg! Its jack frost the school's jock before!!" someone yelled.

"and they remembered you! Wow!" I said cause they don't even know me!

"and Elsa!" another guy said and I sighed. Knowing someone recognized me.

"what are we doing here?!" I asked as jack pulled me.

"I gotta show you something!" jack said.

We walked to the library an shack looked for books.

"and since when did you learn to be interested in books?!" I asked jokingly.

"aha!" jack said as he grabbed a book in the shelf.

It looks old!

he went to the counter and bought the book.

"wait you can buy the books here?!" I asked the librarian.

"well that book is never read so..." the librarian said.

Then we went back to jack's car and he handed me the book.

"uhhh... What's this for?" I asked.

"don't read it right now! Read it at home!" jack smiled.

"OK!" I said

"now to our date!" jack said and drove again.

"where are we going this time?" I asked as I placed the old book in my bag.

"secret!" jack said wiggling his brows.


We made it to the... Hotel?! What the?!

"jack what are we going in the hotel?!" I asked nervously.

"secret!"jack wiggled his brows!

And I widened my eyes.

"ahhh! Rapist!" I said as I unbuckled my seat belt and jumped out of jack's car.

I can't believe I am dating my best friend who is a rapist! Help me!

"Elsa!" jack yelled following me.

"ahhh! Jack you rapist!" I said as I ran.

But he grabbed me.

"ahhh! Get off of me!" I said.

"I'm not gonna rape you! I'm gonna park in the hotel lady!" jack laughed.

"why in the hotel?!" I asked

"well the place we are going has no parking area so we have to park to the nearest parking area!" jack answered and laughed

"whew! I thought you were leading this in the wrong way!" I said while holding my chest.

"you really thought I was gonna do that to you without getting married?!" jack smirked at me.

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