Chapter 1

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"I think...I think when it's all over,
It just comes back in flashes, you know?
It's like a kaleidoscope of memories.
It just all comes back. But he never does.
I think part of me knew the second I saw him that this would happen.
It's not really anything he said or anything he did,
It was the feeling that came along with it.
And the crazy thing is I don't know if I'm ever gonna feel that way again.
But I don't know if I should.
I knew his world moved too fast and burned too bright.
But I just thought, how can the devil be pulling you toward someone who looks so much like an angel when he smiles at you?
Maybe he knew that when he saw me.
I guess I just lost my balance.
I think that the worst part of it all wasn't losing him...

It was losing me."

"Look Sam!!" My mom gushed watching the building that was in front of us.

Yeah. Me and mom on vacation.

I don't really like this stuff but mom insisted to have some quality time together. Make our bond even stronger.

Everything was going awesome until my mother decided to stop in front of this building which was an hotel and decided to check in here.

"Why here?" I asked looking at her.
"Because it looks nice? And we have been walking nonstop around this city and i need to rest and this hotel is the nearest place we can go. Lets just stay one night at least?"

I looked over the building once again and sighed. Something isn't right. Or maybe its just my mind playing games.

"Lets go then." I said and grabbed my luggage and we walked inside.

The hotel looked so vintage from the inside. Red and gold were the main colors around the hall. The art déco was really cool.

We made our way to the reception and ringed the little bell on the desk and an lady came out of the door. She had big glasses on and she looked tired like, really tired.

"Yes? Hello welcome to the hotel Cortez how can i help you ?" She said.
"Um.. Hello can we please book a room just for one night?" My mom replied and the lady turned around to face the place where the keys were and turned back to face us.
"Okay. Come with me ladies I'll show you the way to your room."

With that we followed her to the elevator. Getting off it i noticed how long and dark the hallways were.

Who was the person who created this place?

"Something wrong?" The lady asked.
" Just these lights."

She rolled her eyes.

Well, looks like i'm not the only one saying this to her.

Opening the door we roamed the room with our eyes. Definitely old.

"Enjoy your stay." She mumbled something while she left.

"This is a nice room... I think" my mom said laying on the bed.

"Are you crazy? Look at these.." I trailed off picking the pillow up and placing it down making a disgusted face.

"One night Sammy."
"Je n'aime pas cette chambre." 
Translation: I don't like this room.
"Don't be a mean."
Translation: okay.

She let out a laugh.

I walked towards the window and to open the curtains. Taking a glance outside the window i realized that the view was the only best thing. Between my thoughts i remembered that i haven't eaten something since yesterday.

"Mom? I'mcalling room service to get something to eat do you want too?"
"Oh yes sweetie please."

Nodding i went to the phone placed next to the bed and dialed the number.

"Hello." A monotone voice said. I noticed it was the lady from the reception.

"Hey... Um.. Can i order something to eat in my room?" I asked uncomfortably.

"Sweetie, we don't have room service. If you like something go get it by yourself okay?" and then she hung up.


Well, guess i have to do what she said.

But little did i know...


Taylor Swift songs and all that lol ( side note while editing this story, i remember listening to this song a lot as i binge watched hotel and i thought it would be like some nice opening words )

Hey heyy everyone 👋

The author of Sweet Serial Killer here and this is the first chapter and i hope you will like it!

Im so happy you decided to read SSK

Thank you!

Until next update

Stay creepy!

Love xx

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