Chapter 32

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Important Author note in the end please read :) *throws chocolates around*


"Oh my God!" She gasped her body shaking.

Her green eyes with tears and her mouth open wide unable to say a word.

On the other side i was really nervous and i was playing with the sleeves of the hoodie, my tears were ready to fall too.

"Samantha?!" She whispered again like convincing herself that i was really standing here and this wasn't a trick.

I smiled softly.

With that she grabbed my wrist and pulled me in for a crushing hug.
I was numb for a moment then i hugged her back with the same force.

Its been such a long time.

We stayed like that for while. She was sobbing clenching my red hoodie into her hands and i thinking how much i missed her.

Then she pulled out of the hug bringing her shaky hand to my face caressing it slowly. Her eyes dancing around my face.
"I can't believe it." She whispered
"My Sammy, you're really here?"
"Y-yes.." I said my voice cracking and she let out a loud sigh and hugged me again.
"But how? When? How?" She asked after letting me go and wiping some tears away.
"I'll explain you everything."
"Oh God, i cant believe this! Come inside."

"I missed you so so so much!" She said after she lead me to the living room and we sat down.
"I missed you too mom, you don't have any idea how much!" I confessed looking around the room.

It was different. Not in the bad way. When i lived here the place was darker, mother changed this place apparently turning it into a lighter place, it looked really nice with the new color , a really light pink and the big TV in front of us placed on the wall and shelf of books, a picture of me eating an ice cream and laughing. Then the little table who had a laptop placed on it and a few papers. Then a big white U couch which was very comfortable and some pillows placed around. My eyes went to the the white door that leads to the yard and it had changed too.

I wonder if still does that crack sound if i open it..

"I changed the house.. I didn't want to live in a place that held so many bad memories i had to decide if i wanted to move away or change and stay here and i decided to change it at least it doesn't give me nightmares as much as it did." She said noticing how i was I nodded not knowing what to say. Where do i start?

"I never thought i will step here again." I took a deep breath.
"I thought you weren't going to come back.."
"You never asked for me. Never tried to find out what happened with me?"
"Oh honey, of course i came back looking for you i wanted you back but that man threatened me that he was going to kill you if i didn't go but i insisted and he insisted too and he was really serious he kicked me out and everytime i got closer to that building he threatened me, he even shot me once!"
"He what?!" I yelled not containing my anger towards James.
"Yes, nothing serious though i was lucky, that didn't stopped me. I came and waited for him at the door of the hotel and suddenly out of nowhere he was there i begged him to let you go but he pointed at your direction.. You were talking with someone and weren't focused on what was going on at the front door. I was about to scream at you but he pulled his gun out and pointed it at you and told me to shut my mouth or you were going to die in the second."

I stared at my mother wide eyes and shocked. What.. What the hell?
"James never told about this..."
"Oh his name is James? Anyway.. As i was saying he told me to back off and never come here again or it was going to end in a tragedy. And for your good i made the hardest decision I've ever made,to step back. It hurted like hell my heart was so broken it was like i lost you and i blamed myself -still blame it- for letting you there. I did everything to make this pain disappear but it was useless. It only grew and it was eating me alive. I went at different therapy's and nothing. I took pills to sleep and on the morning i was a dead thing living among the living. I lost the job and stayed inside the house for almost a year. Then suddenly i thought if you came back and saw me in that way you would throw a tantrum and have a long speech on how strong i am and brave and stuff like that and mostly i picked myself up and got used with the pain that was consuming me just because of you. You gave me strength and here we are now.. That's why i didn't move away."

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