Chapter 18

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"Enough!" James yelled slamming the door after we entered the room.

This is what we have done all this week, fighting. It looks like the old times are back when I wanted his attention and he acted like i didn't exist.

"Or what James? Or what?!" I spated turning to face him with a furious look.

"You need to listen me for once goddamn it!" I rolled my eyes and was about to sit down but he grabbed my arm and pushed me towards the wall and i hit it hard making me let out a cry.

"Damn get off me James!"
"LET ME GO!" i pushed him away and rubbed my arm with my hand.

He let out a furious sigh.

"Don't you see it?!"
"See what?" I yelled again and saw his face.
He was so furious.

"You are pushing me so much Samantha. I can't deal with this have you forgotten who i am?"

I stayed quiet.

"I don't push you." I muttered under my breath.
"Samantha. Please. I don't want to fight you for this."
"But James!"
"Its late. Go."
"Please." He demanded and let our a shaky breath.

I looked at him once again and left the room without saying a single word.


It was such a beautiful day.
The sun was up in the sky. No clouds. Everyone around me looked happy too chatting and laughing.
I was wearing a pink dress and my favorite doll was in my hand.

Oh look mommy!

"Sammy! Come here baby!" She said and i ran to her then she scooped me in her arms hugging me.

"Mommy lets play together!" Then she laughed again. My mommy was so sweet and i love her so much.
"Sammy why don't you go play with those girls there? They will like your doll too. I'll be right here." She said putting me down.
"O-okay!" I said giggling and running to those girls.

Suddenly the weather changed. Big clouds appeared and a crazy wind started! I got scared and the girls i was playing were running away.
"Samantha!!" I heard my mommy's voice then i saw her running to get me.
"Mommy!!" I started crying then i felt her arms around me.
"Its okay baby. Mommy is here. Nothing will hurt you"

The ground started moving and rain started pouring down, trees fell down and i kept crying but mommy was there with me and i felt safe. When the ground moved again mommy lost her balance and a crack formed where we were staying getting deeper and deeper. I looked at mommys face and she was crying too. Oh no! She placed me down and pushed me a little.
"Samantha be a goo-good girl and run"
"No!" I said between sobs.
"I love you Sammy. I will love you forever."
"I love you too mommy please come here with me!"
"I can't baby.."
Then darkness covered the place. She stumbled and fell on the huge crack!!


I screamed waking up my eyes filled with tears.

It was a terrible nightmare.

I couldn't breath properly.

Reaching to the night stand i switched the light on.

I stayed like that hugging my knees. My heart was beating so fast and i was still scared because that damn nightmare was replaying on and on in my head.

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