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AK/SMG's:  assault rifle/Sub Machine Gun.

Apache Indian Job:  Attack by firebomb that kills the victim and destroys the building he was in with such efficiency that identification of the body is difficult.

Away to the Can:sent to prison.

Babbo:  A mafia term for an underling who is considered to be useless – you don't want to be one of these or your days may be numbered.

Baldwin:  handsome, good looking.

Bangkok Connection:  The path that illegal drugs travel from Southeast Asia to the United States. The narcotics industry, long eschewed by the Mafia, eventually became one of its biggest moneymaking rackets.

Barrel Murder:  When a murder victim is stuffed into a barrel and left there to decompose, or sometimes weighted down and dumped in the river or at sea.

Beauty Doctor:  A steel-tipped club. This particularly nasty weapon is designed to maim and mutilate the victim.

Bimbo:  is a derogatory slang term that typically describes an attractive but observably behaviorally unintelligent female

Black and White:  Police car.

Bookwormother:  book junkie godparent.

Borgata:  Another name for a Mafia crime family.

Boshee:  slang for bullshit.

Braggadouche:  douche bag who always brags about their achievements.

Bridezilla:  bride to be with too much attitude and hissy fit.

Buckwheats:  A particularly nasty murder where the victim is tortured at length before being put out of his misery. This was used in revenge killings of men who had done something especially bad in the eyes of the Mafia.

Buon'anima:  This Italian phrase is translated as “rest his soul.” It is obviously uttered in reference to one of the dearly departed — or with mordant irony about someone who has just been whacked.

Burn:  To blow someone off, disrespect them, or a more serious snub.

Canary:  A “stool pigeon.” Someone who “sings” to the law, betraying fellow members of the Mafia.

Capo dei capi:  The leader of all leaders or boss of bosses. The most powerful Mafia boss to whom all others defer. Some know this as the Capo di capi or the Capo di tutti capi.

Capo di tutti Capi:  The Italian expression meaning “Boss of Bosses.”

Carbon Soldiers:   kids, children, offsprings.

Cement Coffin:This is when a murder victim is stuffed into a tub or barrel that is filled

with cement and dumped in whatever body of water is most convenient.

Che Peccato:  An Italian phrase that means “what a pity, what a shame.”

Chismear:  gossip

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