Chapter 05

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Chapter 05

The next day, same routine.  We met up at the locker and altogether we headed to our classes.

Before starting to be punish with Physics, our head teacher entered the room

and along with him is an all black-attired dude with a chain on the side of

his pants a baseball cap, defiled chucks and aviator.  I set eyes on a Chinese

character tattoo on his left side part of the neck.  All girls gasped including

Sam and Ryan.  Mr. Cooper said something to Mr. Miller, handed a paper,

looked at the dude and left.

“Class we have a new recruit.  Introduce and tell us something about yourself please.”  Mr. Miller.

With face down, “Hi, my name is Gavin Anderson and I am the new recruit and I am from Chensington originally, 18 years old.” he said.

You gotta be kidding me?  He is the rude…  Fuck!!! My mind is rambling.

“Anything else to say?”  Mr. Miller.

“Nah, where do I sit?” he asked.

“You can sit wherever you want just make sure to listen to every word I say.”  Mr. Miller instructed.

I can see these bitches already with flirting smiles and stares.  Oh shit, he

gazed around the room and stopped when his eyes met mine.  Shoot!  I

hope he does not remember my face or I will simply pretend that I do not

remember him.  He walked towards my direction.  I looked down and

started to turn the pages of my book.  Holy crap!  He sat in front of me.  I

opted to ignore him.  Thank God, Mr. Physics started his lecture.  But I can

feel that he is looking at me occasionally.  After the class, Sam and Ryan

were agitated and wanted to talk to him.  Sam even asked me if we could

exchange places tomorrow.  I was surprised but I thought it is for my own

good, and besides as I have said: I do not want to have anything to do with


During our lunch, there was no other topic but this new dude.  Jose got the

news and he is also smitten with Gavin.  They said he has this mysterious,

bad boy and carnal appeal.  Well, hell, if they only knew he is such an


When I went to my locker after the last subject, I almost fainted because he

is merely four lockers away from mine.  Damn it!  Why he keeps on turning

up wherever I go.  Again, I can see from my “peripheral vision” that he is

glancing at me.  With my famous walker-deadpan attitude, as if I do not see

him, put all my things and ran towards the exit.  The four of them are

already inside the SUV and waiting for me.

“Why are you running?”  Phoebe asked.

“Nothing I want to hurry up because I know you guys are already here waiting.”  I answered.

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