Love is dangereous

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It was nighttime. I was heating up some water for undertaker when I heard a thump! come from the undertaker's room. I raced there and slammed the door open. Undertaker was laying on the floor, facing me. "Undertaker!" I rushed to help him up. He rubbed his head. "It's alright. I just fell, that's all." He got into his bed/coffin. I laid my palm on my forehead. "Do you know how worried I was?" He gave a comforting hug. "I know... I'm sorry!" He said. Don't be so harsh on him. Also, your aura's red. I blushed furiously. "I-it's late. You need your rest." We pulled apart and I left saying, "goodnight." I closed the door and slid down while huddling my knees. Phew... I blushed a bright pink. Uh, you know that the kettle is boiling, right? It is?! I got up and ran to the kitchen, turning off the stove. I let out a sigh. What has he done to me? Well, he- It was a rhetorical question! I went to my room and climbed into my coffin/bed. I was about to drift off when a crash! and thump! was heard. My eyes shot open. Undertaker! I rushed to his room when I was suddenly grabbed. "Hey! Let me go!" I struggled. "Please relax, kitten." Said a velvety voice. "S-Sebastian?! What are you-" another crash! was heard. While Sebastian was distracted, I squirmed out of his hold and ran to undertaker's room. I was shocked to see undertaker flat on his stomach with a stab wound. "(y-y/n)." He muttered. I tried to run to him, but Sebastian grabbed me again. "Please just relax, (y/n)." I still struggled. "Undertaker!" I shouted repeatedly. "Undertaker!" Sebastian's smile faltered. "Why do you like him?" "I don't like him!" I shouted. "I love him!" Suddenly, Sebastian let go of me. My eyes glowed red. Flames! Flames! In front of Sebastian, flames stopped him from coming towards me and undertaker. Sebastian stood there, stunned. I went to undertaker's side. I stared at undertaker and felt my eyes turn green. The fire disappeared. Heal. Heal. The wound in undertaker disappeared. My eyes turned normal and I blacked out.

|Claude's POV|

Her eyes. Her magic. Her power. That. That. Soul! She has to be my appetizer. But first, I have to rid of those two. I raced back to the Trancy manor.

|Sebastian's POV|

S-she's... she's not playing around... there is no possible way I can gain her heart like this. I went over and picked her up. I found my way to her room and tucked her into a coffin. I went back to undertaker's room and placed him on the bed. Damn. For someone who doesn't eat much of anything, he's heavy! After that's all done, I left a note on lady (y/n)'s desk. "I must go prepare for the morning." With that said, I left.

|time skip, (y/n)'s POV|

I awoke with a jolt. "W-what happened?" I rubbed my head. Ow... Jane? What? You ok? I feel... painful. I can't... wait. I think I saw Sebastian last night. Yeah. There was fire and- "UNDERTAKER!!!" I rushed into his room but found that he was safe in his coffin/bed. I sighed with relief and crept back into my room. I saw a note on the desk. That's strange. It reeks of demon! Hm...

Coffins Make You Crazy (undertaker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now