Lost treasure

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I awoke in a room, in a bed. I sat up and looked around. "Where am I?" I asked. I saw a butler sitting next to me. He looks familiar somehow. "W-who are you?" The butler looked shocked. My head hurt. It was filled with blurry images. (y/n)... is that my name? An image of a man with long, silver hair wearing a black robe appeared. It was a bit blurry. Do I... know him? He seems... important to me. The butler looked into my eyes and looked shocked. He ran out the door and a little later, a boy came in. "Young master, she seems to have... lost her memory." The butler said. I can't seem to remember anything. When I try, a big headache stops me. "My lady." I turned to the butler. "I am Sebastian Michaelis. This is my young lord, Ciel Phantomhive. A young earl." He introduced himself and the boy. S-Sebastian? Where did I hear that from? "Those people were Ciel Phantomhive and his butler, Sebastian Michaelis." A voice said in my head. It sounded familiar, no, he sounded familiar. I gripped my head. "My, my, how did a living girl end up in my shop?" The same voice asked. "What if I told you that a monster likes you? Would you like him back?" A monster? "(y/n), I l-love you... that's why I was like that with the earl and his butler but I know I can't have you because... I'm a grim reaper." Who's saying this? A grim reaper? I can't remember anything. Images float in and out of my head. This was happening way too quickly. I screamed. Tears were forming in my eyes. Tears? I'm crying? Why? I screamed louder. I kept screaming even though my throat and voice hurts but then I stopped. You're such a dummy, (y/n). Who is this? I'm your friend, silly girl. The voice gave a giggle. F-friend? You named me, remember? I... remember... a name. "Jane"? You're stupid. I laughed. Why am I laughing? Why do I feel happy when I hear this voice? I don't know her. But she's so familiar so maybe I do know her. "Flames"? "Heal"? I stopped laughing and smiled. "I... want... to... see... under... taker..." I mumbled out. I don't know who he is. That name sounds familiar though. Remember. Re...mem...b- I couldn't finish my thought. A crash was heard. So close. The voice said. Close?

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