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"Dear (y/n),

I apologize for the trouble I've caused you. I have learned that there is no way to gain your heart by my actions. As of last night, I've learned that you love undertaker too much. I will leave you alone, but if you have any trouble, come ask me. Same goes for the undertaker.
Sebastian Michaelis"

Seems true enough. I'm sure this is true. Yeah. I went to undertaker and showed him the letter. He looked hesitant but then that eventually turned into belief. Looks like he trusts Sebastian too. Yeah. "Undertaker, I can't remember much of last night... can you?" He turned to me. "I believe I remember that I was going to sleep after you left but then, Sebastian walked in. He wanted to take you away but I wasn't going to let that happen. We were fighting and I was going to strike when he struck me. I was wounded through my stomach terribly so when he left to take you, I couldn't do anything." He looked down in shame. I went to hug him. "It's not your fault." Hey, (y/n), I think you should feel his chest. I blushed. "W-what?" Undertaker looked at me with confusion. That's not what I meant. He said that there was a wound through his stomach. I remember that we healed something. If my theory is correct- I lifted undertaker's robe and he blushed. I blushed as well. Ahah! I knew we healed it! "T-that's g-great and a-all but... w-why d-did you do that?" Sorry. I got a little too excited. I lowered his robe and blushed redder. If that was possible. "Apologies, undertaker... J-Jane did that, not me..." I turned away. Dang. You are PINK! Well, of course! You did something very... very... inappropriate? Yeah!  "I understand. But, why did you lift my robe?" "We healed your wound!" He felt his stomach and nodded. "That shocked me too. Jane did that without warning." He gave another nod. I saw undertaker's aura as grey. Does everyone have their own individual aura? Besides the emotion aura, of course. Yes. You just have to know the difference. I gave a nod. Undertaker looked to a spider and glared. I turned to it. Gold. "Can you give me some water, dear (y/n)?" Undertaker asked. I nodded and left. After I left, something didn't feel right. Child. Do you feel that? You mean the unsettling feeling? Jane was silent. Demon. RUN! What? Run, child. RUN! My legs moved on their own and ran out of the shop. Where are we going, Jane? We're going somewhere safe! The Phantomhive manor! I thought. What about undertaker? Jane was again silent. Jane? We'll worry about that later. What?! I'm sorry, but you have to be patient. What? No, turn around! Apologies, child. What? Jane was silent for the rest of the trip. Please be safe, undertaker!

Coffins Make You Crazy (undertaker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now