Training With My Sister

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My eyes opened. I sat up and saw that it was nighttime. Are you alright, child? Mhm. Good. Sleep. You'll need it. I didn't understand her choice of words but I shrugged it off. Jane. Did you have a name before 'Jane'? Hm... you asked me when you were little and decided that my name would be Aurora. I thought it was too close to your skills. You stuck with calling me 'sis' or 'sister'. Oh. I rested for a bit but realized I couldn't sleep. I got out of my coffin and crept into a familiar room. I saw a larger coffin with a lump in the middle. I crept onto the coffin and in the sheets while cuddling with the lump. "Hope you don't mind but I can't sleep." I mumbled. I heard a chuckle and felt a warm embrace. "Of course not, dear." Undertaker spoke. I smiled and quickly fell asleep.

|undertaker's POV|

I felt a shift in my coffin and felt a warm body slip in with me. "Hope you don't mind but I can't sleep." Said a familiar voice. I chuckled and wrapped my hands around her. "Of course not, dear." I spoke. I heard her rhythmic breathing of sleep. I gave a smile. I hope nothing bad happens to her. I truly do love (y/n). You better. My eyes shot open. Who are you...? I am Jane. I hope your words are true or you'll have to answer to me. Jane...? So, that's who my beloved (y/n) was talking to. I felt (y/n)'s body move away from me. Tell me, who are you to (y/n)? There was silence. Jane? Silence. Is she ignoring me or is she truly not there? I shook my head and closed my eyes. Oh, undertaker, you've truly gone insane now.

|(y/n)'s POV|

It was foggy. I walked through haze and all I could see were grey clouds and dark blotches for land. A giant spider appeared in front of me. "Come here to me, (y/n)." A familiar voice rang. "W-who are you?" He shrunk a bit and crawled towards me. I was pushed onto my back while the spider was directly above my face. "Come to me, (y/n)." His voice was laced with venom. I struggled beneath. "Let me go!" I shouted. He licked my neck. "Why would I do that?" His voice was that of a poisonous flower. I squirmed. I turned my head to his eyes and was immediately captivated. "Come to me, (y/n). You know that undertaker's only playing your heart." Came his silky voice. I blinked. "He's- NO!" I tried pushing him off. He looked irritated. "JANE! HELP!" I cried. I felt my eyes burn. "GET OFF OF ME, DAMMIT!!!" The image flashed. "I praise you, sister." Jane's voice boomed. My eyes adjusted and I saw pitch darkness. "Jane?" "You learn quick, child. I'm not surprised that you excelled my expectations." "That was a..." "test. I want you to be ready." "For what?" Jane was silent. "Jane." "I will personally train you from now on."

Coffins Make You Crazy (undertaker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now