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Hi my name is Cameron I am 17 years old I go to apple wood high school in New York I have a mom and a dad I have no bro or Sis I have 2 best friends Kyle and calum I'm on the basket ball team and I'm single and ready to mingle

Hi my name is Kyle I am 16 years old I go a different so what you though I was going to say I go to apple wood high school nope I go to golden gate high school in New York I have 2 dads yae like gay dads it's weird ok and I have 2 best friends Cameron and calum and I have a beautiful girl friend named Madison I love her so much

Hi my name is calum I am 17 year old I go to apple wood high school in New York i have 2 moms yes lesbian moms I have no siblings and I have 2 best friends Cameron
and Kyle

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