Eight days of christmad

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Based off the song 8 days of Christmas by destiny's Child

(Basically this what cam got her for Christmas)

  Verse 1]
On the 8th day of Christmas my baby gave to me:
A pair of Chloe shades and a diamond belly ring

  Verse 1]On the 8th day of Christmas my baby gave to me:A pair of Chloe shades and a diamond belly ring

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On the 7th day of Christmas my baby gave to me:A nice back rub then he massaged my feet

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On the 7th day of Christmas my baby gave to me:
A nice back rub then he massaged my feet

On the 6th day of Christmas my baby gave to me:
A crop jacket with dirty denim jeans

On the 6th day of Christmas my baby gave to me:A crop jacket with dirty denim jeans

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On the 5th day of Christmas my baby gave to me:The poem that he wrote for me

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On the 5th day of Christmas my baby gave to me:
The poem that he wrote for me

Verse 2]
On the 4th day of Christmas my baby gave to me:
A candle-lit dinner, just for me and my honey

Verse 2]On the 4th day of Christmas my baby gave to me:A candle-lit dinner, just for me and my honey

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On the 3rd day of Christmas my baby gave to me:
A gift certificate to get my favorite CDs

(Since it's almost 2018 he gave her an iTunes gift card😂)

On the 2nd day of Christmas my baby gave to me:The keys to a CLK Mercedes

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On the 2nd day of Christmas my baby gave to me:
The keys to a CLK Mercedes

On the 2nd day of Christmas my baby gave to me:The keys to a CLK Mercedes

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2017 don't judge

On the 1st day of Christmas my baby gave to me:
Quality T-I-M-E

Doesn't it feel like Christmas (it feels lovely)Doesn't it feel like Christmas (feels so lovely)Doesn't it feel like Christmas (oh oh oh oh)Yes, it feels like ChristmasDoesn't it feel like Christmas (it feels lovely)Doesn't it feel like Christmas ...

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Doesn't it feel like Christmas (it feels lovely)
Doesn't it feel like Christmas (feels so lovely)
Doesn't it feel like Christmas (oh oh oh oh)
Yes, it feels like Christmas
Doesn't it feel like Christmas (it feels lovely)
Doesn't it feel like Christmas (feels so lovely)
Doesn't it feel like Christmas (the spirit of Christmas)
Yes, it feels like Christmas

MERRY Christmas 🎁💞

~ from Dani 💞

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 24, 2017 ⏰

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