Vacation 2

7 1 2

So we all get are tickets and then we wait for are plans everyone is all in groups Jordan and calum are at the Starbucks place buying so many drinks they are so white and Madison is flirting with some dude and kyle is trying to get some girls number and I'm just waiting for Cam to come back with my medicine for jet leg so I look around and I see the sexiest dude every sexier than Cameron he had black hair green eyes and then I see that he had a girl friend so I looked down at my phone to see that I  got a text from Cameron

Cameron-  hey baby I'm on my way do you want Starbucks 💞☺️

Me- yea I want whatever your getting and you will probably see calum and Jordan fighting over which coffee is better 😂

Cameron- true well I will be there in 5 mins

Me remember the plane comes at 12:00

Me I got it bye love u😍

As I wait for Cam to come I listen to music and read the book the 5th wave its a good book after I read the book I saw Cameron he was walking up to me the he sat down and kissed me on the cheek then we hear" now inviting first class guess for flight to California" the lady said "that's us" Cameron said "omg we are in first class" I said "yep" he said then he grads my hand and we get on the air plane

How deep is your loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora