Fortn of july

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Tori POV
Today was the 4th of July and me and cam are throwing a huge party on a yacht

So I wake up take my shower and put these clothes on

So I wake up take my shower and put these clothes on

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The black cover up

After i finished with my outfit I put my Waterproof make up on

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After i finished with my outfit I put my Waterproof make up on

As I go downstairs I hear music and oeople talk "Hi baby" Cameron says as he kisses my forehead "hey who's here" I ask "oh just Aaron" Cameron says "we are getting ready to head over to the lil boat" cam says "ok I will go text everyone real quick...

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As I go downstairs I hear music and oeople talk
"Hi baby" Cameron says as he kisses my forehead "hey who's here" I ask "oh just Aaron" Cameron says "we are getting ready to head over to the lil boat" cam says "ok I will go text everyone real quick" I say as I pull out my phone

Group chat name - my hamies

Me- hey guys and girls are you people coming over we are about to leave
Calum 🙃🖤- Yae me and Jordan are about to leave Jordan is taking for ever to do her make even through we are going swim
Me-lol typically Jojo
Maddy🌺- Yae I'm on my way now in the lyft fuck your uber lol
Me-girl you extra for what
Kyle 💙🖕🏾- I'm on my way with my side hoe
Me- whatever just hurry up
Kyle💙🖕🏾- is someone jelly
Me- shut up I got a man
Kyle 💙🖕🏾- I'm just saying you can always get this good good
My love ❤️🌺💞- boy stop playing you know she ain't never leaving me
Kyle 💙🖕🏾- 🤔🙄

After cam and Aaron got everything in the jeep we headed to the dock where everyone would

10 minutes later

How deep is your loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora