ToriPOV Today was the 4th of July and me and cam are throwing a huge party on a yacht
So I wake up take my shower and put these clothes on
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The black cover up
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After i finished with my outfit I put my Waterproof make up on
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As I go downstairs I hear music and oeople talk "Hi baby" Cameron says as he kisses my forehead "hey who's here" I ask "oh just Aaron" Cameron says "we are getting ready to head over to the lilboat" cam says "ok I will go text everyone real quick" I say as I pull out my phone
Groupchatname - myhamies
Me- heyguysandgirlsareyoupeoplecomingoverweareabouttoleave Calum🙃🖤- YaemeandJordanareabouttoleaveJordanistakingforevertodohermakeeventhroughwearegoingswim Me-loltypicallyJojo Maddy🌺- YaeI'monmywaynowinthelyftfuckyouruberlol Me-girlyouextraforwhat Kyle💙🖕🏾- I'monmywaywithmysidehoe Me- whateverjusthurryup Kyle💙🖕🏾- issomeonejelly Me- shutupIgotaman Kyle💙🖕🏾- I'mjustsayingyoucanalwaysgetthisgoodgood Mylove❤️🌺💞- boystopplayingyouknowsheain'tneverleavingme Kyle💙🖕🏾- 🤔🙄 After cam and Aaron got everything in the jeep we headed to the dock where everyone would