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Half of the chapter will be Cameron and Mia pov but mostly Cameron (:

Camerons pov
I wake up in the morning and Tori is not there so I take a shower after I take a shower I put on my shirt that said " ITS MY BIRTHDAY TURN UP" and black jeans on with some white vans. I go down stairs and look for Tori but she was not here I look over by the kitchen stand and there was a note 'left out I will be back at 1:00 also made you breakfast xoxo " it said I put down the note and looked in the microwave and there was a plate with blueberry pancakes, bacon, and egg whites.
After I finish eating I waited for Mia to come home

  After I finish eating I waited for Mia to come home

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Tori pov

Me, Calum, Madison, Kyle , and Jordan were planning the party for Cameron we were thinking of places " ok guess we have 3 hours and we have not home on the paper I need places were cam would love to go' I said " the strip club" Kyle and calum said while giggling " NO" me and Madison and Jordan said " oh I know we can go to the place me and Cameron went on our First date" I said " where was that" Jordan said " you should know this your like my sister" I said " hey" Madison said " oh yea I know it was that bar that you took a pic of your food and Cameron ate it while you was about to take a pic" Jordan says " yup we will meet up there at 9:00" I said and we all went to are home

Hey guys I'm soooooooooo sorry that I don't update like I'm suppose to do but I will be making new stories and updates DURING THE SUMMER And shoot out to my sister/bestfriend for just being awsome and I miss can't to go to six flzgs ❤️ - Jordan

There going to be a part 2 to this chapter so don't worry xoxo

How deep is your loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora