Chapter 1

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"Henry! What the hell!?" I looked down at my basketball shorts and sneakers in horror.

"What?" He smiled sweetly as he popped his head inside my room.

"What in the HELL is this?" I demanded, motioning to myself.

He eyed me up and down.

"Clothing?" he tried innocently.

"They are pink," I shuddered in horror.

"That's a very astute observation Elizabeth," he snickered, "I'm glad you know your colors,"


He nodded nonchalantly.

"Yup," he popped the p.

"I can not stand you," I grumbled, sitting angrily on my bed to lace up my shoes.

"Well that's unfortunate isn't it," he shrugged, sitting down next to me.

I ignored him and focused intently on my laces.

"Ignoring me? Wow," he rolled his eyes.

I tightened my ponytail, once again not sparing him a look.

"For someone with Beta blood in them, you sure are stupid," he shook his head with a mock mournful look on his face.

"I hate that I'm forced to live with you," I grumbled under my breath, standing up.

Before I could even go a step, I was yanked back onto my bed.

Henry pinned me there, and I twitched with fury under his grasp.

"Careful what you say little sis, I'm your alpha," he smirked.

"Henry, I swear to God, GET. OFF. Or I promise you, I will make it so our alpha to be can't have an heir!" I threatened, "and I'm not your sister,"

He stood and pulled my up.

"May the moon goddess have mercy on your mate," I glared at him.

"Hey, same to you," he grinned.

"Trevor doesn't seem to have an issue with me now, and everyone knows he'll be my mate," I smiled happily.

He scoffed, breaking me from my revelry.

"What?" I asked dubiously.

"Come on Liz, let's be real," He laughed.

"About whaaaaat?" I drew out.

"Everyone knows that all us guys want in is a hot chick with a nice body and, in all honesty, doesn't look like, well, a dude," he shrugged, the corner of his lips twisting into a jesting smile.

That comment stung more than a slap to the face.

Hot tears began to well up in my eyes, and I went to shove past him.

"K." I nodded.

He gently grabbed my arm, pulling me to look at him.

"Oh Elizabeth, come on. You know I was kidding," he said with a pained look in his eyes.

"I know you are, you always are," I laughed dryly.

"Liz," he began.

"No, don't worry about it," I shook my head, "thanks for the birthday present,"

A shocked look came across his face.

"Sh*t, I'm so sorry I completely forgot," his eyes widened.

Moon goddess Help Me {AAMM sequel}Where stories live. Discover now