Chapter 4

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Elizabeth's P.O.V.

I gulped as we waited for Lily to open the door. 

My mom was whispering hurriedly to Alexis, and my head was reeling, so I couldn't make out what they were saying.

The door opened, and, standing before us, was Lily's husband.

He looked as alarmed as the rest of us felt.

"Do you know what's wrong with Lily? She has a migraine like a human would," He looked over his shoulder.

"It friggin' sucks," Lily groaned from inside the house. 

He motioned us inside, and my mom, Alexis, and I walked in.

Lily was lying on the couch with an icepack over her head. 

"Hey Lils, you ok?" Alexis asked.

"yeah, what's happening that has you here? Is it the reason I feel like a human?" she asked.

I shrugged, and the two women behind me nodded.

"Lizzie has two mate," my mom murmured.

Lily and her husband both snapped their eyes in my direction, and I squirmed under their gaze. 

A small smile crept onto Lily's face.

"Sorry, been there, it's the worst," she apologized sympathetically.

"Hey," her husband whined, and she rolled her eyes at him.

"Oh calm down, I chose you," she shot him a glare, "besides, this is about Elizabeth. Who are they?" 

"Henry and Trevor," I replied, and she chuckled.

"The universe really hates you right now doesn't it? That's your boyfriend versus your best friend isn't it?" She asked, and I wrinkled my nose.

"No, I can't stand Henry," I practically gagged, then I remembered his mom was right behind me.

"Sorry," I apologized, turning to her.

She shrugged.

"Eh, totally fair,"  she replied.

"So, choose Trevor," Lily suggested in confusion. 

"Um, not to interrupt, but Henry isn't going to give up easily, and, with alpha blood, it will complicate things," Alexis warned, and I realized she was right.

"Can I talk with Lily alone? I'll come back to the house when we are done talking," I promised the two women. 

They nodded.

My mom kissed my forehead then took my hand and squeezed it.

"Come on Riley, she's got this. We can go get some cake and wait for her," Alexis pulled my mom to the door.

As they left, I turned back to Lily, and I chewed my lip.

"What's the matter?" she asked.

"I'm afraid to choose," I whispered.

"Why?" she asked.

"Well, whichever one I don't choose will be mateless," I gulped loudly.

She laughed, causing me to jump.

I looked at her like she was crazy. 

"Oh, you sweet-hearted girl. They won't be mateless," she shook her head, "both of them have human mates who are none the wiser. Whichever you don't choose will go find his human mate, and all will be well," 

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