Back to work

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On Monday its back to work for Landon and I. The limo pulls in front of Parker Enterprises. There's a bunch of photographer's standing in front of the door.

Landon steps out of the car first and the photographers run over to him. They take photos of him and ask him questions.

I step out of the car and walk over to Landon.

He holds his arm out to me and I move into his side.

The photographers yells things out to us.

Landon's security team moves towards us and we follow them into the building.

A group of woman are standing around the desk and they look up as we enter the foyer.

Landon takes my hand and we head straight to the lift and take it to the top floor. When the lift opens, he kisses me on the cheek and walks straight to his office.

I head to my desk and find a new plaque with Mikayla Parker on it. I brush my finger of the name.

If only I was truly a Parker.

Nolan exits the lift and he walks over to me. "Hey, Sis. Have you seen, Landon? There's something I need to tell him."

"He's in his office."

"Thanks." He walks away.

I turn my computer on and type up the Landon's schedule for him. While I'm in the middle of typing the schedule I hear my sister, Juliet's voice.

I look up from the computer and see Juliet leaning against the desk. She has her hands on her hips. "I need to see Landon Parker right now. He's my Brother-in-law. My sister married him over the weekend."

I rise and move over to the door. I see the beautiful dirty blonde hair, brown eyes tanned skin woman before she turns towards me.

I'm happy to see her.

She looks at me. "Mikayla?"

I smile. "Hey, sis."

She holds a thick yellow envelope against her chest. "I found this amongst Mum and Dad's stuff." She gives it to me. "It's the Birth Certificate of your daughter and other documents. Did you really have a daughter?"

I nod. "Your parents took her from me and sold her to another family."

Juliet's hands turn to fists. "I'm sorry my parents did that to you."

I open the envelope and see a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. She is smiling in the pictures.

These pictures look recent.

I show one of the pictures to her. "Juliet, why do these pictures look recent and why are your parents in them?"

She sighs. "Mum and Dad faked there deaths so they could keep your daughter. They even gave her a name. Everyone knows she's there child."

I can't believe they are still around to ruin my life.

I drop the envelope and run from the room. I enter the bathroom and slide down the wall with tears falling down my face.

Why did I get these pictures at the time I needed it the most?

Landon enters the bathroom and pulls me into his arms. "Are you alright?"

Is that a trick question?

I shake my head. "My sister came here with an envelope and it had pictures of my daughter inside it. She told me that the people who kidnapped me kept tabs on my daughter. I actually have pictures of my daughter and I need to get her back. What if they are treating her like they did me?"

He pulls me to my feet. "I want to see the pictures you got of your daughter. This girl might not be yours and the people that kidnapped you are playing with your heartstrings."

Landon and I exit the bathroom and we move over to the desk.

Juliet holds onto Nolan's hand and they look over at us. She whispers something in his ear and makes her way over to me. "I'm getting married next month, Mikayla, and I want you to be my Maid of Honour."

Why would she ask me to be the Maid of Honour? We weren't close when we were growing up.

I look at Nolan. "Are you marrying him?"

She nods. "I've been with him for six years. He helped me escape Mum and Dad after you went to University. I'm sorry I didn't stay in contact with you, sis."

"You don't need to apologise. I made it hard for anyone to find me after I went to University. I never returned to your parents place after that. I left them in the rear view mirror. Scratch that. I did leave them there until I learnt they were still alive and causing problems for other people. Do you know where they?"

She shakes her head.

Landon opens the folder and looks at the picture of the little girl. "I'll have someone look into this, Mikayla."

Juliet crosses her arms. "Don't you believe that this is Mikayla's child?"

Landon shakes his head. "No, I think your parents would do anything to keep Mikayla close to them and lead her into death."

Juliet frowns and turns to me. "Do you really think they would put your life in danger?"

"Yes, they told me if I told anyone about my daughter she would be killed. But, secretly I've been trying to find her." I walk away from them.


After work Landon and I head to my parents mansion. At the gates the security guards open the gate and Landon pulls the car into the driveway.

Robbie exits the house as the car pulls to a stop. He opens the door for me and I step out. "Thanks, Bro. I have something for you and the brothers."

He takes my hand and we walk through the house. Logan, Brent. Josh and Kyle rise when I enter the room.

I smile. "Hey, brother's." I sit on the lounge. "My sister brought me an envelope full of photos of a girl. She believes this is my daughter." I give them the picture. "I don't know what to believe. They treated me bad and sold my daughter. I wondered if they had hearts, but, from the moment I learnt the truth about my life I knew they didn't. If that little girl isn't my daughter I want to know if it could be pictures of me. They never placed photos of with the family."

Logan opens the envelope. "I'll look into this in the morning. Do you need anything else?"

I shake my head. "Great. I'll see you on Wednesday."

Logan looks at us. "Can I stop by the office with whatever I find?"

Landon nods. "That would be great. I'll set up and appointment for you."

I pull out a notepad and write 'make an appointment for, Logan at Parker Enterprises.' I put the notepad back in my bag.

Mikayla enters the house with Robbie. She looks at her brothers and I. "Guess where I'm going tomorrow?"

My brothers look at each other and shrug.

I look at Robbie and Mikayla. "You're going to the White House to meet the president and the first lady?"

Mikayla nods. "Yes," she smiles. "I can't believe I'm going to Washington DC. It's going to be so much fun." She leans into him and whispers something.

The first lady is going to love my sister.


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