Chapter Four

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Auburn eyes stared up at a seemingly grey sky. Italy sat atop a crate, looking over at the lines of soldiers training. He saw England and Switzerland shouting commands at the army, the two being put in charge of training. France and Liechtenstein stayed inside the military base, either making food or working in the infirmary. The Italian didn't have an exact job, as he was just to help out where he could. He spent most of his time helping in the kitchen, or just thinking. He didn't seem to be his happy-go-lucky self anymore. Not after the day his heart was broken.
After the meeting, the new allies had decided it would be in their best interest to stay together. The countries would then live in the military base, as it was the safest place for them. An army of troops lived in the base as well, the rest of their army housed in separate bases. This was the first day all the countries would be spending the night in the base, their new home.
Italy was pulled out of his thoughts when he noticed England approaching. Training must have just ended. The blonde walked over and took a seat on the crate next to him.
"Feliciano, have you decided whether or not to fight?" The brit asked, looking over at him.
"I thought about it, but I'm not sure yet..." He explained, not having made up his mind.
"Well, you still have a few days until we go to war. You'll have plenty of time to contemplate." England told him.
It was so strange for Italy to think that just a few weeks before, everything had been normal. He and England had become friends, and he still lived with Germany. Everything was so different now. The world had become so hostile in such a short amount of time.
"Who are we going to war with? I keep forgetting," The Italian questuoned, as it would impact his decision.
"We're fighting Iran, Iraq, and Israel. Our armies are making good progress, and I believe we'll have an advantage and win." The Englishman replied, smiling faintly.
"I sure hope so," The auburn haired male sighed.
Italy hated wars. They never led to anything besides death. He'd always hated fighting, hence why he always had a white flag with him. That was now different though, as he'd left his white flag in the world meeting room. He had to be strong now, even if he didn't have the strength. He refused to be the 'useless' country he once was, and didn't want to drag his allies down.
"Come on, let's go inside. It's time for dinner," England informed, standing up.
"What's for dinner?" The Italian asked, his passion for food undying.
"I'm not quite sure, but I'm sure Francis has prepared something good." The Brit started walking back, followed by Italy.
"I want pasta," Italy mumbled, as he hadn't gotten the chance to make any since the meeting.
"Well, I can't guarantee we have any, but we'll work on it." England smiled a bit, trying to cheer him up.
The Italian walked beside his ally, his head swarming with thoughts of war.
"Our enimies army is smaller than ours, so that should be an advantage. I don't know how well trained they are, but it's still a hopeful situation." The blonde informed, glancing at Italy as he walked.
"You and Switzerland look like you're doing a good job training our troops, so we'll probably win" The Italian managed to stay positive and smile.
"All we can do is work hard, and hope for the best." England said as they neared the base's entrance.

The two countries had met with the rest of their alliance to discuss the oncoming war. Talking over dinner, the conversation was mostly carried by England and Switzerland, although France couldn't help but comment here and there. Afterward, England had just changed into his pajamas and gotten comfortable in bed when he heard a knock at the door.
"Who is it?" The Brit called out, his voice showing how tired he was.
"It's me, Italy," He heard a soft voice answer.
"Come in," England told him, sitting up and swinging his legs off the side of the bed.
The door creaked open and the Italian stepped inside. He didn't wear his usual smile, but a small curve in his lips instead.
"What is it, Italy?" The blonde asked, rising to his feet.
"England, can I talk to you about something..?" His voice seemed unsure.
"Of course, what do you need?" England questioned, noting the odd behavior.
"I cant decide if I want to fight or not." Italy spoke with his eyes on the floor.
"Well, you still have some time to debate," The Englishman told him.
"I know," The italian let out a small sigh.
"Switzerland and I will be on the front lines, as you know. If you fight alongside us, you'll have to look out for yourself. We won't be able to." England furrowed his brows with light concern.
"I know that, but I want to help.." He told England.
"You can help if you would like to, Italy. We would appreciate it, but it's dangerous." Emerald eyes looked into auburn.
"I want to fight, because I don't want to be useless like before..." Italy glanced back down at the floor.
the Brit paused for a moment, knowing that Germany's words lingered in Italy's mind.
"Italy, you aren't useless. You weren't useless before, either. Even if you chose not to fight, you would still be helping people in the infirmary." England explained, placing a hand on Italy's shoulder.
"Really..?" The italian looked up at him with a small smile.
"Of course, Italy." The blonde returned the smile.
"Grazie, England." The smaller male's smile grew.
"Mhm, now you should be getting to bed. We all need to be well rested." England informed him.
"Oh, England, one more thing?" Italy looked up at him.
"Yes, Italy?" The Brit asked.
"Can I sleep with you?" He asked hopefully.
"Um, I uh-" England felt heat rise to his cheeks, taken aback by the question.
"It's hard for me to fall asleep when I'm alone, so I thought maybe I could sleep in here," Italy explained further, seeing how the Brit reacted.
"Oh, right. Sure," He gave a small laugh and scratched the back of his head.
"Thank you!" The italian smiled and went to England's bed, climbing in and getting cozy.
The blonde followed, shades of pink dusting his face as he got in next to him.
"Goodnight, England." Italy said, his auburn orbs drifting closed.
"Goodnight, Italy," The Brit replied softly, forcing his blush away and shutting his eyes.

((Sorry for the long wait, I've had a lot going on. I'll still try to update as often as I can. Until next time (:

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