Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"So, Miss Wiltshire, how are you doing today?"

The headmaster's eyes were friendly, compassionate even, when he asked me that question.

I could hear my mouth say, "I'm... fine..." but my thoughts said I'm not.

I was sitting in his office, my mum and dad on either side of me.

It had been a week since that dark Monday.

Since the night Lynn went missing.

Mister Turner nodded, "Good. So you won't mind discussing something crucial then?"

Shaking my head, I said, "No, sir."

I could feel, the counsellor's eyes on me. Carefully watching every single one of my movements and expressions.

I suddenly shifted in my chair, uneasy under her observing gaze.

Of course she'd noticed that, and after clearing her throat she said, "Are you sure you're fine, Nia?"

Swallowing, I refused to meet her hawk- like gaze, "Yes. Totally fine."

Miss Clayton pulled up an eyebrow, clearly seeing through my lie.

She was about to say something else, but was interrupted by mister Turner's voice, "Excellent. Now let's get straight to business, shall we?"

My parents and I nodded, I was wondering what this appointment was about, but I had an inkling though.

"Now, do you remember your enrolment for the Tokyo Exchange Project? You volunteered last year?"

My head shot up at that, "Yes. Of course, sir."

"Well, then I'm sure you remember that you were one of the chosen participants?"

Yes... together with Lynn.

I slightly shook my head at that thought, but answered, "I do, sir."

The headmaster nodded approvingly, "Yes, you and your cousin were the best picks of your year of East Asian Studies. Hence we chose you."

"Thank you, sir. We were very grateful for that."

He gave me a small smile, "Well, as you know, the exchange programme starts over two weeks. But what I would like to know is, if you still wish to participate in this project, considering the recent circumstances..."

I bit my lip as I thought about it. I hadn't forgotten about this project, in fact, Lynn and I had only talked about it eight days ago.

On Sunday.

When everything was still right.

Over the past week, I had been wondering when they would bring this up and what I would say to them.

Seeing as Lynn and I had agreed to go on this journey together,there was not much that I could do but reject it.

So I gave them my answer, "I don't think I can do this, sir."

At hearing my answer, my parents' eyes instantly focussed on me. My dad cleared his throat and said, "What do you mean, Nia?"

Mum nodded, "But you have been dreaming of this for such a long time, sweetie. Ever since you were a child."

Actually, Lynn and I had been dreaming about it.

I swallowed hard before answering them, "But it has always been our mutual wish to do that together. Just Lynn and I. So I can't possibly go without her."

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