Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Friday came sooner than I'd realised. I had been in Japan for almost six days now, but I was already getting accustomed to the usual routine.

Classes, studying, talking to Amy and Kai; whom I'd both come to like quite a lot to be honest.

Usually it would take me some time, a few weeks or moths even, to get used to someone and talk openly with them.

Clearly being in a country you didn't really know and where you'd have to get by on your own had that effect on you. It was quite normal to spend time and get along with people who weren't familiar with this country either.

After breakfast I decided to check my emails before going to class.

I had a few from my grandparents and one from my parents. I read them immediately and answered quickly.

Then I looked at the last new email, it was from aunt Jane and uncle Matt.

I realised that it was a reply to the mail I'd sent to them earlier this week.

Opening it, I swallowed a little bit, feeling guilty for not replying to them sooner.

That wouldn't happen from now on.

The mail read:

Dear Nia,

I can't describe how happy your uncle and I were when we saw you email. We are glad that you are doing well and are relieved that you get along with your room- mates.

Have you been able to meet the other two yet?

We would like to ask you if you would mind to Skype with us as well soon? Your uncle has especially made a new account for us to do exactly that. Our name is MattandJaneWiltshire01. Your parents already gave us yours, so it would just be a matter of accepting our request :) .

And to answer your question: no there hasn't been anything new yet in the police's investigation. They are trying to find other witnesses though. Plus they are still attempting to see if they can get something from other security cameras.

Still, we're not giving up our hopes, and know for certain that Lynn will return to us. As we know you do too.

But don't concern yourself too much about it and don't forget to have some fun! You should enjoy this time away for as long as you can!

We can't wait to talk to you through Skype, and neither can Bonny!

She told us to give you lots of hugs and kisses.

We hope to hear from you soon!

Lots of love from

Aunt Jane, uncle Matt and especially Bonny (yes, this is at her request :) )

The mail left me a bit emotional.

Especially the mention of Lynn's name.

I had thought about her often, but sometimes, when talking to Amy or Kai, she was only at the back of my mind.

I wondered if that was bad, if I should feel ashamed about it.

But when I was alone in my room again, her face would always come to mind, even in my dreams. Then I just couldn't stop thinking about her and her whereabouts, and pondered about what had happened to her and when she would come back to us.

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