Chapter Ten

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AN: First of all, I want to thank you if you are still reading this story! :) It really means a lot to me. Next to this I'd like to say that some Irish slang will be used in this chapter, but I clarified every single expression or word used down below ;) 

I hope  you'll like this chapter! :)


Chapter Ten

I tentatively made my way to the first floor. Not really sure how to introduce myself to my room mates.

I'd been hiding in my room under the pretence of unpacking my suitcases. During that action I'd been thinking about a million ways of how to talk to them. But my ideas always stopped in what should be the middle of the conversation.

If only Lynn had been here, I'd feel a bit more sure about meeting them. But since that wasn't the case it was up to me.

So originally, I'd wanted to wait until midnight before I'd face them. But my stomach had disagreed with that.

I was extremely hungry.

Even now, walking down the last set of stairs, I tried to command my stomach to stop it's upset grumbling.

But of course it didn't listen to me.

I'd reached the small landing of the first floor and took a deep breath.

Then I realised that I didn't know which of these door led to the kitchen, so I'd have to try every single one of them.

Oh wonderful... aren't we off to a good start, I thought

Luckily there were only four doors there, so it wouldn't take me long to find the right one. I walked to the one on my far right and tried it.

Nope, that one clearly led to the bathroom.

Then I tried the next one, but it still wasn't the right door. Since this one led to the toilet apparently.

I sighed, only two left

But before I could choose another one, my ears caught the sound of sweet music.

Sweet guitar music.

I was mesmerised by it for a minute, before I decided to just walk towards the sound. Then I stopped in front of the door from which it seemed to come and silently pushed it open. I looked through the crack I'd created.

I saw a large room, divided in a living room and kitchen. They were separated from each other by an arch opening.

Aha! So this is where I'm supposed to be.

My eyes properly travelled around the room and fell on a boy, sitting on one of the sofa's by the television.

He had white to silver hair, probably dyed, and it was cut short. It was partly covered by a black and silver cap. The boy was wearing a dark –blue t-shirt and some jeans. The acoustic guitar that I'd heard earlier was present in his lap. He was touching the stings gently with a plectrum and his eyes were closed. He wastotally absorbed in his playing.

This made me doubt my decision to walk in a little bit and conflicting thoughts entered my head.

Should I even walk in?

I would be disturbing his practise, wouldn't I?

But I'm so hungry...

Would he be angry?

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