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Fragile candlelight flickered out as I blew on it, reducing the protective flame to wisps of smoke. It was nearly 13 years now since I lost my mother, and my 18th birthday was nearing closer each day. Without a second ruler, our realm fell into a state of unease and everyone seemed to be on edge, as it didn't have a sense of certain security anymore. With every passing day, I was becoming more and more anxious, happy, exited and scared. I had never been properly in charge before, and the thought of having an entire realm to protect scared me shitless.

I quickly showered and dressed before making my way downstairs and to the castle kitchen. My father was already ready and prepared for something, although I didn't know what it was, and was pacing. Worried, I strode over to him, and asked him what was wrong. He did not reply, he only looked at me excitedly and gripped my shoulders. Confused, I demanded to know what was happening. He only smiled and chuckled, before leaving the room suddenly, with an obscure bounce in his step. I shook my head, and settled down to some human organs.


It was late at night when he returned, and I was downstairs in the throne room, hidden behind a large decorative curtain hanging from the high ceiling, humming to myself as I daydreamed. I thought about what it might be like to be queen, and what the Creepypasta were like up close in battle. I felt a surge of anger and an unusual yearning to kill as I thought about my foe, and I immidiantly shook myself out of it so I didn't go bloodthirsty and lose control. Zalgo entered the throne room, and found me on the floor behind my usual drape, and kneeled down beside me.

"I have brought something that I will think you will like, Y/N" He exclaimed happily, sitting down next to me properly. I rolled my eyes and smiled.
"Really? What is it father? Do not tell me that it is another rose, or a lilly, I have a vase of them in my room already. I don't have the heart to dispose of them all!" I say mockingly, smiling at my father who chuckled in response.
"No, nononno my child. It is much better than any rose or lilly." He stated proudly, adjusting his robe.
"Then what could it possibly be?!" I ask excitedly, as I particularly liked flowers and nothing could possibly be better to me.
"Tomorrow morning, meet me here, and I'll show you." He said, before getting up and walking away.


That night, as I looked down at the surrounding settlements through my bedroom window, I thought about what he could have possibly gotten me from the surface. I jumped onto my bed, blew my candle out, and slept.

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