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[Y/n POV]

I walked briskly as I returned to my living quarters. I tidied away the vase and ensured that I had left the place as it was. Then, with much effort, I walked up to my room with the little energy I had left. As soon as I reached my room, I changed into something more comfortable and let sleep take over me.

_timeskip until morning_

Pale streams of light filtered through the window, as the streetlamps were lit outside, signifying the 'morning' of the underground. I woke up groggily and stretched, remembering the events of last night. I shivered at the thought and instantly felt the small amount of remorse for my actions return to me. Brushing it off, I decide to get ready and start the 'day'.

After tending to my hygienic needs and dressing myself, I headed down for breakfast as I realised I forgot to eat the previous night. It didn't take me long to briskly walk to the dining hall and help myself to a human liver. I intended to leave and tend to my flowers, but my father stopped me before I could dismiss myself.

"Y/n," Zalgo started, his deep hollow voice sounded. I felt my blood run cold and my 'heartbeat' quicken. Shit. Does he know? I did not falter my smiley expression and looked at him intently. Shitshitshitshitshit..
"I'll be dealing with a minor problem down by the southern gate. If you need me, please send a raven with your message." he finished, much to my relief. I nodded and left, before my calm expression faltered.

I saw this as an opportunity to spend more time with my pet. After all, you're supposed to play with them, right? Regardless, I was determined to do so at some point. However, I needed to make up for what I had done last night.

I watered my plants and waited for my father to leave the castle before returning to the dungeon below. I took a first aid kit with me to compensate my violent actions. I opened the heavy iron door to find Jack, who immediately lifted his head when he saw me. I sheepishly walked over to the creepypasta and opened the medical box. After lighting an oil lamp, I set it down beside me.

"Eyeless Jack.. I would like to apologise for my actions last night. I was blinded by my anger and hatred for your kind but I now realise that.. You seem too young to have been responsible for the death of my mother.. a-and... " I begun to say but trailed off as my voice begun to crack as I suddenly felt emotional. I felt foolish for the way I was around him. It was unusual for me to show emotion or interact with others, let alone a creepypasta. Yet before I could continue, I was cut off by Jack.

['Eyeless Jack's' POV]

I watched with a small smile beneath my mask as she apologised. She sounded so formal and genuine, but when she welled up I found it highly amusing. I found it hard to believe she was a demon, never mind the daughter of Zalgo!

I couldn't hold my laughter in as I chuckled, my deep and husky voice echoing around the room, stopping her from continuing her apology. I looked at her confused expression with great interest.

"W-what's so funny?!" she demanded, folding her arms and pouting slightly like a child. She was adorable, however as she reached for a bandage I was reminded of how dangerous she was last night when angered. Despite the fact that I was chained up and restrained, Y/n approached me warily as she gently dressed my wounds.
I made no attempt to stop her. With every delicate touch she sent peculiar shivers down my spine. This was a new sensation to me, and I wondered if this was due to the fact she was the daughter of Zalgo or something.. else. I didn't want to think too deeply about it, yet I couldn't help but think about it. It would be something to ponder later as I pass time alone in the dark. But for now, I would just enjoy the feeling of her hands on me.

[Y/n POV]

I disinfected two of his deeper wounds and took my time whilst doing so. I felt different. For a few minutes, he didn't feel like my prisoner. He felt closer; more like a companion or another familiar face around the castle. I brushed off my feelings and blamed them on my guilt over last night. I trailed my hands gently over the bruises, savouring the moment and making a mental note of the feel of the creepypasta's skin. I cautiously lifted his blue hoodie to dress the wounds on his chest, and with great effort I managed to stop myself from getting flustered. He was, after all, a male.

Little did I know that Eyeless Jack was smirking devilishly beneath his mask, as I quickly ran my eyes over his toned stomach.  ;)

I carefully placed colourful plasters on smaller cuts and awkwardly ran my hands over a small raised bruise on his chest. Deciding I'd done enough, I discontinued fixing him up. I let go of his hoodie and broke the silence by politely clearing my throat, trying to distract myself from acting awkward.

['Eyeless Jack's' POV]

I felt a small amount of sadness when she stopped. Despite the situation I was in, I felt a strange amount of softness for Y/n. I looked at her and my cheeks reddened slightly. I was thankful of my mask.

"uh.. Thanks." I said, smirking as I spoke. I knew she specifically asked me not to speak to her, and given the situation, I wanted to go against her rules. I watched as she finally cracked and she blushed. Y/n immediately hid her face as she crouched to pack the kit away. She did so quickly and stood back up.

"Yeah, No problem."

I was slightly taken aback- I was expecting something harsh and her reply was nothing but the opposite. I felt my heart beat slightly as she flashed me a smile, before she left the room. However, I smiled like a fool when I realised she didn't leave me in complete darkness.

She had purposely left the oil lamp on for me.


GOSH JACK U PERV. Ah well, another chapter done aha. To the four people who read, please let me know what you think! Any comments mean the world to me. <3

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