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[Your POV]

After giving it much thought, I remembered that he looked rather wilted. Considering that plants require water to prevent them from wilting, I figured it wouldn't hurt to attempt to water him. However, I knew that my father would disapprove of my actions, and if I were to be caught he would be infuriated.

Brushing that aside, I settled down and waited until nightfall to carry out my plan.


The first echoing chime of midnight sounded quietly. The chime acted as my signal to proceed, and so I cautiously made my way to the kitchen to gather a vase filled with water. Once I had everything I needed, I silently made the tiring decent to the dungeon using the spiraling staircase that seemed to go on for infinity.

['Eyeless Jack's' POV]

The silence was deafening. The darkness was eating me alive. My nonexistent eyes scanned desperately for any form of light, and my ears were straining for any sound that could occupy my mind. Then, I heard it; small footsteps approaching the room I was situated in. I heard the lock click and the heavy iron door opened with a sorrowful groan, casting a sudden blinding dim light to cast once again over my hanging corpse.

I could not help but smile slightly to myself when I saw y/n.

Wiping sweat from her brow, she carefully placed the heavy vase down beside her to regain her breath and relieve her throbbing arms. Her eyes were locked onto me, watching me with caution and curiosity. Y/n's eyes were haunting- the black holes of despair that struck unease into my soul and carved fear into my mind. There was no mistaking who she inherited them from: she was definitely the daughter of a Demon, and to be more precise, the daughter of Zalgo.

[Your POV]

I stared for what seemed like forever as I slowly reached down to recollect the vase. I held it tight as I warily approached the creepypasta.
"...Here." I whispered as I extended the vase forward in offering. I heard him give a dry laugh, and he rattled the chains that were pinning his arms above his head, bringing them to my attention. I did not want to take another step forward.
I nodded my head slightly in acknowledgment of his restraints. Unwillingly, I shuffled forwards and reached out to remove his mask. He let out an abrupt growl that broke the silence and caused me to jump and quickly recoil my hand. I knew I needed to assert my dominance- he was my prisoner, my pet. So I composed myself and moved his mask to reveal only his mouth.

['Eyeless Jack's' POV]

I unwillingly allowed her to reveal my mouth simply because I knew that I would perish of dehydration if I didn't. My primary instinct was telling me to amputate her hand as soon as she moves it closer to my mouth, yet my mind was telling me not to.

Y/n placed the rim of the vase to my lips and tilted it slightly so I could drink. I felt overwhelming humiliation overcome me as I realised what was going on. Still, I compelled, needing what she had to offer. Within seconds I had gulped down the liquid and I immediately felt some of my strength regain. She placed the vase down beside her and she moved my mask back into place.

"Can you answer my question now?" she spoke softly, her voice breaking the silence. I flinched at the sudden sound of her voice, but I couldn't help but feel comforted by the sound of it. "What do Creepypastas do?" She awaited my answer inventively. However, I didn't know how to respond to such a question, and so I looked at her and remained silent.

Her aura grew dark and I could sense the anger emitting from her. She didn't bother to wait any longer for an answer.

"I already know what Creepypastas do." she stated coldly, her eyes piercing mine, sending an unpleasant shiver of fear down my spine.
"They murder. Tear families apart. They took my mother away from me." she spat her words like venom.

[Y/n POV]

I felt my anger build up once again. I could not forget that this beast here was one of the vile creatures that tore up my family, and more importantly, tore up my mother. Clenching my fists, I gave in to my instincts and unleashed my pain onto him as I punched and clawed at his body. He made no attempt to stop me and all I could hear were his quiet grunts as he was winded with my blows. I only stopped when I regained control, and I looked at the mess I had created.

I realised what I had just done.

Happy new year! I am so sorry to have disowned this story and left the very few readers without any more chapters. Thank you to those who are still finding this story and leaving comments and votes! That's what motivated me to write more, so I thank you all!

Don't forget to vote and leave your feedback in the comments below! Thank you for reading~ - Abby-Chan

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