The Confession

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I sat in the office for hours the ticking of the clock aggravating the Hell out of me.

First Jordan calls me and tells me that he lost another one and now this noise I can't decide which is worse.

The office door slowly opened. A woman peeked her head in smiling as if she was actually excited "here's your results."

I snatched the envelope from her looking her up and down trying not to kill her where she stood.

"Excuse me Ms.Peartree." the lady said. It was clear she was scared of me actually everyone was.

They all knew about me and Jordan, and if they didn't well they're probably dead now.

I walked out the building taking my steps very lightly, trying not to phase through it.

I got inside the car but my heart seemed to stop. The inner demon inside of me was gaining control and I couldn't stop it.

I turned the engine on and the next thing I knew car was surrounded by black whisph like smoke, and then I was home

"Don't ever do that again." I told myself. I walked through the door to Jordan was right there waiting for me.

"Please don't kill me." He said running down the staircase. "Why shouldn't I be!" I replied.

"How many butlers have you lost or killed so far?" He paused. Afriad to say the answer "5" he mumbled. "Exactly!" I yelled.

"It's 5." Jordan yelled back at me, walking up the stairs and I black smoked in front of him.

"Don't run away from me while I'm talking to you!" I said following him into our room. "Why not. It is the only advantage I have against you."

He flopped on the bed and cut on the tv,Trying to ignore me desperatly.

I got in front of the tv trying to block his his visual. "Can you please be out of the way." He asked using puppy eyes

"No!" He stood up "Why not!" He replied. I stood there in astonishment I'm surprised that he yelled at me that way.

"Because." I started off. "Because what?" I stood there trying to think of something "your on Butler grounddintation."

"What why." He said. His voice becoming softer almost sounding like a child again "it's your fifth Butler."

"Yeah exactly not my first." I eyes glew crystal black staring deep into Jordan's soul. "3 months." I said. "What the Hell. Why three months?"

"Because that's how long until I have our babies."

" Babies?" "Yeah. Were having twins."

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