Relationship Goals.

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I sat there in a paralyzed state staring at Tiffany as her anger changed to happiness and back again.

"So we're parents?" I asked my eyes growing big. "Not yet" she said looking down at her stomach "but yeah."

My heart skipped so many beats that I could've sworn I died while she spoke. "That's where you were that morning. At the doctors office?"

Tiffany nodded her head slightly, embarrassed that I figured out what she was doing

"You could've told me." I said standing up holding her hand. "I know but I wanted to surprise you." I scoffed at the comment.

Little did she know, she actually surprised the Hell out of me. "What was you going to do wait until my birthday?"

"Actually." She had drawn out "I was." My face expression change quickly when she had that.

"By time you had tell me you'd be five months pregnant." My eyes drifted off adding up the dates. And I gasped "Xavier's birthday."

"September. I wanted it to surprise him but he's not here." I quickly threw up my hands "again not my fault."

"But it's okay. We'll just tell him when we find him, and kill the bastard that took him from us." Tiffany said with a smile, her demon eyes slowly creeping out

"What do you mean "when we find him" do you actually mean we're going to look for him?" Tiffany shrugged her shoulders but only a few inches

Then I felt something click inside of me. A part of me that has been lost for years the same part that almost killed Xavier, the Devils Jordan.

I quickly kissed Tiffany not giving her time to react. I flung her around on the bed and jumped on top of her.

"What's got you in such a rush?" I smiled "you caring." I slowly ripped her shirt down the middle, exposing her boobs letting them jiggle in the air.

I circled my tounge around her nipples getting them crystal hard making them look like little balls. "I want more." She moaned softly.

My eyes glowed bright fire red looking at her, being the most vonurable I've seen her in years.

I kissed her from her neck going slowly, moving down her stomach until I got to her pants line.

From there I tore off the button with my teeth spitting it up in the air not caring where it landed

"Can you float for a second." Tiffany shook her head "take it off roughly." She lifting her vigina closer to my face

The smell of her overwhelmed me. I grabbed the side of her pants and ripped them clean off leaving nothing but a blurr behind

"That was" Tiffany paused "fast." I cracked my neck while still looking at her "oh trust me, what I'm gonna show you, your gonna wish I did take it fast."

Just to make her feel better I slowly pulled down her panties making her shiver from the coolness of my breath.

I launched inside of her.

Letting my teeth and tounge do all the work. "I don't just want this. I want what U give Xavier. I even want the Jack rabbit treatment."

I looked up at her suddenly. She never said that word, not even repeated it since that first time.

"Are you sure?"

I saw her eyes narrow at me. She was carrying my babies. Babies that would be half demon, half angel, and half Hell hound.

"stupid question?"


I then stood up, I was so used to having something inside if me while doing Tiffany, it seems that I've forgotten my straight hormonal ways. I shoved it inside of her. I could see Tiffany whole back pull off the ground, but then then saw something black swing down from her neck. I've noticed it before, and then it hit me but before I could say anything my eye vision seemed to have turned white.

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