Chapter Three

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"You. I'm crying because of you, what are you thick?" Harry's eyes grew darker. Well fuck he was hot but- Snap out of it Mia!
"Excuse me? Would you mind repeating that?" He walked closer towards me, his height towering each inch of me every step of the way. He was so close I felt his chest rising against my chest.
"Uhh.. I- I didn't mean it" I felt Avery grab hold of my arm pulling me back but was stopped by Harry's arm snaking around my waist, his firm grip clinging on to me as he stared.
"Guess what?" He inched closer, I was surprised there was still space to move between us. "I'm going to make your high school life hell you low life bitch"
"G'won then, see if I fucking care, I've heard that before I can hear it again. Fuck off Styles go pick on someone your own size" I was fuming. I tried escaping his grip but he was too strong. I could almost feel Avery laughing at my comment behind us.
"I suggest you don't talk to me like that babe" his smirk disappeared and his hand moved it's way off my body. I roll my eyes turning onto my other foot as I go to meet Avery who's laughing tears are spilling out of her eyes.
"Oh god calm down" I chuckles slightly at her actions before she stopped wiping away the falling tear.
"You know, you shouldn't have sworn at him like that Mia" we were now walking home after Maths.
"What why?" My eyebrows furrow together as I look at Avery stopping the music playing on her phone before she lets out a sigh.
"He's rude Mia, when he said he'll make you life hell, god forbid not. He did mean it. He's done it before to other students that've left" I shrug. I saw it coming.
"You don't care?" She asks shocked.
"I do, but I've suffered a hard enough life already. I don't care what he has to think of me. I don't care what anyone thinks of me. I've got enough hidden scars"
And with that. I walked away.
"Hey Mia" James said peeking his head through my bedroom door. I smiled at his 'hello' he never really greeted me like this. "Hey, come in?" He nodded and sat at the edge of my bed with a strange look on his face.
"What's with the face" I turn my attention back onto my laptop not accepting an answer. "How was school?" He finally asks making himself comfy.
"A mixture of feeling you could say" not taking my eyes off my screen I answered.
"Make any friends?" This time I turned to face him putting my laptop down beside me.
"Yep, her names Avery, we met because she was told to show me around my classes. She's really perky but an amazing friend" I scooted close to James as his frown turned into a more of a relieved smile.
"And Harry?" I looked down at my nails not wanting to talk about that bipolar ass.
"What about him?"
"Did he approach you?"
"Not really. I sit next to him in English though"
"Sounded like your day went well. Be careful at that school Mia, I don't want you getting hurt. Not again" he pulled me into a hug reassuring me about everything he's told me. It was rare that I had times like this with James, he was either always out with his girlfriend or busy working.

This was a really shitty chapter sorry I stopped half way because I didn't have any ideas, just consider it a filler (:

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