Chapter Five

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Harry and I had been sitting on the ground for the past hour sharing childhood stories with each other. He really wasn't as bad as people said he was.
"Do you wanna come over, it's getting cold" Harry lifted his head off the wall staring straight at me.
"Sure" he stood up reaching for my hands as he pulled me up.
"C'mon" He grabbed into my hand squeezing it as he dragged me along to his car. I didn't exactly expect Harry to be the person who opened the door for you. And he wasn't but I didn't mind.
The journey was silent. The faint sound if music in the background as Harry tapped onto the steering wheel to the best of the song.
"Harry" I stopped looking out the window and turned to face the curly haired boy as he hummed a yes.
"Tell me your story" I turned to face him slightly but his grip stiffened.
"Your past" I smiled at him weakly. But he just ignored me. I sighed as we approached his driveway. Hopping out of the car, he waited for me at his doorstep before unlocking the door. Wow. His house was huge. How the heck did he afford this.
"Wow" I mutter as we enter the house, Harry stand behind me.
"How'd you af for this?" I turned back to face him,
"I just can" I sighed at his lack of explaining things again but ignored it.
"C'mon, let's watch a movie" he pulled my arm towards the living room. "Horror?" I nodded but deep down I couldn't stand horror movies. I sat on the couch as he put the movie in the TV.
"Why you sitting so far away. I don't bite" Harry chuckled making himself comfy. I just shrugged shaking my head.
It's been an hour through the movie and I was terrified. I was sat in the corner of the couch curled up into a ball; Harry was opposite me as if he was watching a perfectly normal movie.
"I need the loo one sec"
"Don't leave me what the heck" I whined.
"I'll only be a minute" all he did was laugh.
I found it cute the way Mia was scared of horror movies, I could tell she was scarred when I first asked her if she wanted to watch one. She's like a book, anyone's can read her just by her facial expressions and the way she plays with her charm bracelet when she's nervous. 
"I need the loo one sec" I didn't really need the toilet, I just remembered me had a scream mask from the previous Halloween in my bedroom.
I walked up the stairs shutting the bathroom door so it would sound like I was going into there. I scrambled through my closet trying to find the mask when I felt a plastic hit my hand. Got it.
Slowly walking down the stairs; I wrapped a white sheet around my body. Walked over to Mia who was still curled up clinging onto her knees for dear life on the couch, I stood behind her bending down onto my knees slowly so she wouldn't hear.
"BOO!" I screamed clinging onto her shoulders. She screamed digging her face into the pillow beside her as I took of the mask and stood laughing.
"You fucking idiot oh my god" her face was bright red and she looked pissed. Her chest fell are rose at an uneven speed.
"Aw Mia's a little scardy cat" I pouted like a child as she got up throwing a pillow at me plopping herself down onto the couch.
"I'm sorry baby" I sat next to her taking the white sheet off me flinging it behind us. "Your a bitch y'no"
"Nahhh" kissing the top of her forehead I took her in my arms as we laid on the couch, her in front of me flinching anytime she thought a scary part would come up but I stormed her hair telling her everything was going to be okay, and she would relax.
His arms were warm. I liked being around him. Even though he literally just scared the living shit out of me.
My eyes felt heavy so I decided to close them for a while. I assumed Harry thought I was asleep when he put a blanket over the two of us I just smiled knowing that he cared.
"Night Haz" haz, I could get used to that.
"Night Mia. Sweet dreams babe" he kissed the top of my head once again before I fell asleep in the brace of his arms.

I'm not proud of this chapter at all sorry I haven't updated for a while and I didn't know what to write ._.
But I ship Mirry🌚😂 I need a better ship name lmao

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2016 ⏰

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