Part 3: Tim Titan

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It was quarter of seven when Tim pulled up to El's front steps. He felt lucky to have made it so early.

-"What took you so long man? You get lost?" El had been waiting at his front steps for the last two hours. He didn't have anything better to do and didn't mind waiting as long as he was going to be able to party.

Tim decided not to answer any part of the question, smiled saying, "Wat up? How you been homey?""

-"I been good, just chillin. We goin to get it in tonight. I heard there is mad people going. A kegga, gonna be a bon fire...

Tim cut him off saying, "Yeah, it's going to be hot. I gotta pick up some Captain on the way." Tim knew that if he would have let El continue, it would have been a drawn out introduction.

-"Nice! You think you could bless me with some Henny? You know how I am, I love it. And the chicks..... God will bless you for it. Thank you." El gave him a smile and snapped a selfie of them both. "It's on tonight!" El yells out the window as they drove away.

Tim had other things on his mind. He always had other things on his mind. His job was loading him up with work he could not complete. He was disorganized and overwhelmed. Mathematics was his major, and he felt most at ease and comfortable when tackling an equation on paper. Now, he was dealing with mostly automated programs which he needed to learn. It would take him longer to complete his tasks than it would any one else. His A.D.D. would kick in and even worse was the bare cubicle he was stationed, imprisoned in. His desk was full of qualification forms sorted by all random dates. As a qualifier for an investment company, he was expected to sort through hand written forms and input the information into the computer program. Most forms were foreign and the penmanship ineligible. Tim would be baffled. He would spend lots of time entering the information, than he would do everything on paper to check the system's results. If they came to different results, he would really stress out and dig into the computer program to "find and fix error" as it is the company policy.   

Tim needed to go out tonight. He needed to get his mind right, or wrecked. He needed an escape from his job, his girlfriend, his life. Although he had a great job with pay, he was not happy. He felt as though he made a mistake. Going through college was easy for him. He carefully chose classes he knew he would excel in. He never really challenged himself with any other subject or activity. He was the type of person that was completely happy standing against the wall, watching everything happen in front of him.

They arrive at the package store. El was still talking about a funny event that happened to someone Tim did not know. In reality, Tim had spaced out and didn't have a clue as to El was talking about. Tim was used to El's rambling. El was talking and laughing the whole time, and Tim was clueless.

 Tim says, " You wanted Henny , Right?" 

He gets out of the car in a hurry as if they were going to be late for a concert. He leans down through the opened door to receive El's response.

-"Yes,the big bottle, Please. I'm going to get it in tonight." El looks at his phone for text messages.

Tim smiles and says, "Alright, I'll be right back."

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