Chapter One: "Monopoly"

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"It's getting dark. We should probably get back to our cabins soon," I comment, staring at my shoelaces as I sit in the grass by Canoe Lake.

"We still have a few hours. Plus, it's really peaceful here in the evening," Amaryllis replies softly. Beside her, Truett skips another stone across the lake, this time getting four bounces before it sinks underneath the water's surface. I look out at the horizon, which is filled with shades of orange and pink as the sun slowly sets.

"It's strange how no one else is around," I pick up a stone myself and have a go. It zips across the lake, skipping six times. "They give us a whole night of free time, and no one wants to go swimming or canoeing or whatever."

Delicately brushing a strand of honey blonde hair off her shoulder, Amaryllis shrugs. Truett looks at her softly and laces his fingers through hers. I try not to let myself be bothered by the fact that I'm an obvious third wheel here. If they weren't my only friends, I might actually push them into the freezing cold lake, just for laughs.

Since I came to Camp Half-Blood last year, it's been rather difficult fitting in. Other campers tend to avoid me, even my own siblings in Cabin Nine. Thankfully, Amaryllis, a daughter of Apollo, and Truett, son of Nemesis, have taken me under their wings. The couple can be annoyingly romantic together at times, but I'm glad to have them.

"Well, as much fun as this is, Lissa, I'd rather be finishing my sculpture at the Arts and Crafts Building," I say, a yawn stifling my words halfway through the sentence.

"Aw, Sabine, we were just about to start a new game of Monopoly," she says and grabs it from the pile of board games she brought to our little picnic.

"It's no fun since Truett wins every single time." I raise an eyebrow at the dark haired boy. He gives me a cheeky grin in reply and starts setting up the board.

I sigh and stand up, brushing off the back of my orange camp shirt. "I'll be over at the dock. Don't begin the game without me," I wag my finger at them as I walk off.

I sit at the edge of the wooden dock, my feet dangling over the edge. Though I have the ability to control fire, water is surprisingly calming to me. Whenever I get angry— and trust me, that happens a lot— being near the lake usually calms me down after an hour or so.

Humming a tune to myself, I look down at my reflection in the water. Straight black hair, deep brown eyes, and a dimpled smile; I hardly ever smile with my mouth open, due to my crooked teeth. Everyone's always said how much I look like my mother, which is a good thing, I suppose. It's not like any mortals knows how my father looks— which is less than average, by the way.

Apparently I'm a late bloomer to the whole 'demigod' thing, having only been discovered by Thatcher, a timid, quiet saytr, this spring. When I arrived, it seemed as if everyone already had been friends for years and no one wanted to waste their time on me. And now, after a few rough patches— not to mention my latest disaster during a game of Capture the Flag— I've managed to scare off the people closest to me, save Amaryllis and Truett, who mainly see me as a humanities project. Unfortunately for them, people aren't as easily fixed as machines.

After a few minutes, I decide to check up on the lovebirds. As I approach, I see their heads bent close together as they talk in hushed tones. Naturally, I hide behind the nearest tree and ninja stealth mode my way over.

"I wish we could do something about it," Truett says frustratedly. I peek my head out slowly, my presence still unknown to them.

"True, we are doing something about it. It's best for everyone this way," Amaryllis tells him, shifting her weight uncomfortably. I can tell she doesn't agree with her own statement. I bounce on the balls of my feet, nervous energy building up in my body. After a pause, she continues her thought. "There aren't many other options, and this one is definitely the safest."

Truett's hazel eyes, illuminated by the setting sun, look troubled. "It's just not fair." Being a son of Nemesis, Truett's all about things being 'fair'. His fists are clenched tightly as he looks away pensively. Whatever this is, revenge has something to do with it.

My patience gives out and I come out of my hiding place, blurting out, "What's not fair?"

The two give me bewildered looks and awkwardly pretend to be setting up the Monopoly game.

"Oh, just the... the board game, y'know," Amaryllis flashes a quick smile, which is actually very startling. I squint, regretting the fact that children of Apollo can have blinding smiles, with their perfect white teeth and all. "It's not fair how Truett is so good at Monopoly." She frowns and playfully shoves him. "Ugh, why are you so good at this game, True?"

I stare at them blankly. No way I'm believing this nonsense. "Explain. Now."

They glance at each other and Truett finally turns back to me. "We'll tell you when you're older."

"I'm a year older than you!" I suppress a smile. It's hard to stay angry at these guys.

"Okay, we'll tell you when you're eighteen."

I plop down next to them and sit cross-legged, rolling my eyes. "Great. I'll probably forget in two years."

Amaryllis smirks. "Perfect."

With a little convincing (yes, they bribed me with my favorite candy, M&Ms), I decide to drop the subject.

"I call the car," Truett picks up the small metal game piece and makes vrooming noises. Amaryllis gladly takes the top hat, while I place my signature piece, the thimble, on the board.

Truett begins to shiver from the cold night air and complains, "I wished I'd brought my blanket, it's so chilly out here."

"I can start a fire—" I begin to offer.

"No," the two say in unison. I slump my shoulders, realizing that even my best friends can't trust my powers anymore.

"I mean, I've still got some sun energy left," Amaryllis says as her hands begin to glow. She creates and orb and reaches upwards until it settles in the space above us, warming and brightening up the small space where we sit. "This makes it easier for us to see the game board, as well."

"Good thinking," I answer, looking anywhere but her concerned blue eyes. Just as Truett starts to roll the dice, we hear a loud rustling noise coming from the forest behind me. I whip my head around and call out, "Who's there?" We scramble to stand up, our hyperactive senses alert and ready.

My face fills with dread as I slowly recognize the tall, handsome figure walking towards us.


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