Chapter Twenty-Three: "Rhodes Reappears"

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It is still dark when I awake.

My heartbeat is the only sound for a few moments, then the pounding ceases. I hear the sound Pearl snoring, birds chirping and cars passing by. I turn to look at the clock. It reads 4:18.

After quickly getting dressed and packing up my things, I sneak out of the room.

"Early riser, huh?" Dennis questions. He is leaning against the wall beside our hotel door, his eyes fixed on an open book he is holding. As if he feels my gaze on the transparent paperback, he holds it up so I can see the title: Atlas Shrugged.

"You could say that," I grumble, slinging my backpack across one shoulder. "I'm going on a walk."

He closes his phantom book and tosses it aside— it disappears into thin air. "Look, whatever you're planning on doing, be careful."

With a solemn nod, I turn away and begin my departure from the hotel. For the time being, I am unsure how much I should trust Dennis. That, of course, depends on how much he actually knows about Rhodes.

Few roam the city streets as I at this early hour. I walk past glowing street lamps and empty cars, closed shop fronts and neon restaurant signs. I find a city park, and decide to continue my walk there. It is deserted, so much that I feel desolated among the trees and never-ending paths. Even so, the darkness and isolation is compelling— one could be lost forever and nothing would ever matter anymore. It would be enough just to be.

But life tarries on. My anger builds and swells until I can take it no more; in a sudden burst of action, I rip the skull necklace from my neck and throw it to the ground. I no longer need the piece of Rhodes I had continued to carry with me, the piece of hope I had that he cared for me.

As much as I want to leave it behind, I know there is something I must do. Slowly, I reach down and pick the necklace back up. I press on the rose eyes of the skull charm and wait.

"If you ever need me, open the charm and I will be there", I hear Rhodes' voice in my head, the memory fresh in my mind.

Out of the shadows, Rhodes appears.

"Sabine," he says with a mixture of feelings. As he approaches, his eyes tell me all I need to know. In them, I see confusion, relief, worry, happiness, longing, vulnerability.

"I need your help," I say and take a step nearer to him. "My mother's been kidnapped. Do you think you could help me find her?"

He bites his lip anxiously. "That's terrible. Must be all over the news."

I nod, showing him the magazine— I had picked one up from a gas station during my walk through the city. He takes it, almost reluctantly, and flips to the page of her article.

"Do you know where she could be?" I wonder how he will play off this situation. With a casual ease, I put a hand into my back pocket, checking to make sure my Swiss Army knife is still there; it is.

"No, but my father is surely behind it," he replies with a tinge of anger in his voice.

He knows. He knows and yet he still lies. This alone brings tears to my eyes.

"I'm— I'm just so worried about her," I cry out in misery, wrapping my arms around myself with closes fists. Rhodes isn't the only one who can fake emotion.

"It'll be okay, we'll find her. Together," he extends and arm towards me and I hesitate. Love and affection can merely be traps set to destroy.

I give in and hug him, closing the gap between us. He rests his hands around my waist gently. My shaking hands rest around his neck as I slowly exhale.


"I..." He begins to answer when I draw back from the hug. I unclench my hand, revealing my now opened knife. In one swift motion, I stab straight into his abdomen. Rhodes takes in the attack with shock, then the pain hits just as I pull the knife away. Stepping back completely, I finish with a kick to his stomach. Rhodes falls back and cries out in pain.

"What did I do to deserve that?" He wheezes, his hand pressed to his stomach. Gold ichor begins to stain his shirt.

"You know exactly where my mother is. Now tell me."

"I don't understand—"

"TELL ME!" I shout at him, changing the knife's mode to crossbow for old time's sake and pointing it directly at his forehead.

"You know I'm immortal," he shakes his head softly, backing himself up to rest against the base of a tree.

"I know you're nothing but a deceitful coward. I heard your whole conversation with Zig-Zag."

The guilt shows in his eyes. "My brother Zagreus is a skilled bounty-hunter, currently working for our father. I have to pretend around him, and though I don't expect you to believe me... I'm still on your side."

"Prove it. Tell me where Amalie is being kept."

"It's too dangerous for you to go there. You'll be caught," he coughs, spitting out the golden blood of gods. "I can't stay here much longer. I really wish you could have trusted me." He smiles weakly, a calm, look washing over his face. My trust is the last thing I want to give him, but I'm afraid I've made a mistake, as usual. "I don't know if you can defeat Her."

"Her. Who is Her?" I crouch down to his level and lower my bow, strangely feeling empathy for him, despite the fact I was the one who wounded him.

"You'll know," his eyes glaze over and he closes them peacefully. "If you can render Her powerless, then I will tell you exactly where your mother is, I swear on the River Styx."

My eyes widen. Gods never swear on the Styx if they intend on keeping a promise.

Rhodes stands up long enough to fade away into a shadow. When he is gone, the skull charm necklace magically disappears from my neck, assuring that I cannot bring him back. The moment has passed, and I'm left more confused than before.

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