Chapter Seventeen: "Of Kings and Princes and Pawns"

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"My dad owns a huge business; he's pretty much the CEO. They treat him like royalty there."

"Does that make you a prince?"

"I suppose. He doesn't like sharing his power, though. No way he would let me run the company, not in a million years."

"What about your mom?"

"She's a gardener. Our garden at home was my favorite place."

"That's all?"

"Well, she isn't home a lot."

That conversation immediately resurfaced from my memory after Rhodes told me who his parents really were.

He deceived me.

To be fair, I've deceived him as well, though I didn't lie about my entire identity. I ought to be angry at him, maybe throw a few fireballs at him; strangely, I'm not angry at all. I feel deflated, as if all the life has drained out of me.

"So... Makarios..." I say his name with a pinch of bitterness.

"Just call me Rhodes," he replies.

"You said you were almost eighteen." Out of all the lies, I brought up that one, unsure if I want to face the reality of it.

"Well, I am almost eighteen... Eighteen thousand. That's pretty young for a god."

I blink a couple of times, unsure how to respond to that. Rhodes is over a thousand times my age. Then again, he's a god. "What are you the god of?"

"Peace in death," he pauses, as if deep in thought. "No one should have to die afraid."

Dennis coughs loudly— I'd forgotten he was there. He now stands on Rhodes' right side.

"What about Dennis? Did you..." I can't say it.

"No, I didn't kill Dennis," Rhodes rolls his eyes at the ghost, who smiles back at him in a teasing manner. I suppose the two are friends, though Dennis seemed quite intent on blowing Rhodes' cover just moments earlier.

"He was my best friend— still is. The year of 1958 was the first time I left the Underworld, and it was without good old dad's permission. At Camp Half-Blood, I blended in as a camper, trying to discover more about this fascinating mortal world. Then, the camp fell under siege by my father's army. I agreed to come back to the Underworld if he left the camp in peace."

Rhodes wears a solemn expression and glances at Dennis, who nods for him to continue. With a deep breath, he says, "Many demigods died that day, Dennis included. They all went to Elysium, but I'll still never forgive myself."

I don't think anyone died when I set fire to Cap Half-Blood, but I still carry an immense amount of regret. I can't even imagine what he must be feeling.

"That's why I didn't want you to bring this kiddo to Camp Jupiter," Dennis adds.

"But I'm telling you, the skeleton attack was not because of me this time! It was only coincidence," Rhodes insists, worry clouding his face.

"Rhody, just tell her," the ghost shakes his head.

We make eye contact again, and I finally understand why he said he wished I'd never fallen down here. Ignorance truly is bliss. I think I may have almost loved him. Could he have ever felt the same way?

"Hades is planning on starting a war on Olympus, and he's trying to turn Hephaestus to his side. Dad wants you to be out of the picture," he glances down at his shoes. "I'm supposed to kill you."

I stare at him, horrified. How ironic it is that I receive nothing less than ultimate betrayal.

"It was all a set-up," he explains. "The hellhound was chasing me only to bait you. The idea was for me to pretend to be a demigod, kill you, and steal your identity before you reached Camp Jupiter... But I couldn't bring myself to do it."

"Why are you telling me this?" I ask angrily. "Why not just kill me now and get it over with?"

"Despite what my father thinks, I believe you deserve to live. Yes, I know what happened back at Camp Half-Blood. Second chances don't come by as often as they should, and yours is of the rarest kind."

Rhodes' statement is surprisingly touching, after telling me I'm on Hades' hit-list and he's meant to be my assassinator.

I can't even think straight anymore— nothing about Rhodes is real. The Fates sure brought us together, alright. My blood should be on his hands. Yet, he shows something that most gods have little of: compassion.

"And, just to be clear, if you tell a soul about my true identity, I will personally take away that second chance," Rhodes warns with a deathly stare, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Got it," I quickly bob my head once. "What now?"

"I'll have to disappear for a while, until Hades, er, cools down. You'll pop back up in Camp Jupiter— no one's been hurt, in case you were wondering."

"Does Hades still want me dead?" I ask grimly.

"Yes. You should probably leave camp within the week."

"I can't do that, I just got here!" Just when I thought I'd found where I belonged, I'm being told to leave.

"Hades likes to play games. He'll put your entire family in danger if you stay."

I grimace as I picture Atticus and Jeanine, terror-stricken expressions on their faces.

"Here," he pulls something out of his pocket— a necklace. A skull charm dangles from the end of it. "Take this. If you ever need me, open the charm and I will be there."

I reluctantly take it, wondering why he would give me such a powerful object. Looking closer at the skull charm, I see that its eye sockets have red roses in them. With my thumbs, I gently press the roses, and the charm opens, almost like a locket. I snap it shut and shift my gaze towards Rhodes.

"So... Until we meet again." He gives me a farewell salute, a small smile on his face.

"Rhody, wait—" My mind is jumbled with so many questions, but before I know it, I've been shadow-travelled back to the surface.

Will the pawn break free of the king's hand?

Rhodes could be easily lying to me, and I may be a pawn in his twisted game of lies and distrust. Even so, that question still stands. Perhaps the young god is breaking free of Hades' tight grip of control.

The prophecy may have just begun.

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