Chapter Fifteen: "Pearl"

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"I don't think I should be doing war games. I'm not ready," I tell Atticus as I miserably attempt to stand in perfect file next to him, shifting uncomfortably in my new armor.

We wait in one of the turrets of the new fort we finished building earlier today, ready to defend the base against the Second, Third, and Fourth cohorts. Atticus' co-praetor, Sydney, would be moderating the games from the sky. On her signal, the three cohorts will march towards us and my chances of dying will drastically increase.

"You'll do fine. Just stick with the plan of defense— and no flashy, Greek style fighting," he lets a trace of a smile show as I practice a few moves with my new imperial gold spear. Grandma Jean gave it to me yesterday after I was inducted into the legion, where she told me it had belonged to my mother. "Back in formation, Bruller," he snaps, making me jump and nearly drop my spear.

"Sorry sir— praetor— cousin," I shut my mouth and quickly salute to make up for my awkwardness.

"Relax, I was kidding," he laughs and cautiously I look around, glad that no one is paying attention to me. The games haven't started yet, so campers are still moving around weapons and other defenses for the fort. "And you do have permission to call me Atticus."

"What about Atti-boy?" I tease.

"Never, under any circumstances, will you call me 'Atti-boy'."


Atticus reminds me that I will be acting as a sentry with the other probatio campers during the games today; Rhodes, of course, and another fairly new member of the Fifth Cohort named Pearl Carraway, whom I have yet to meet. I find them with the rest of their Cohort on the ground level of the fort.

"Rhody," I come alongside him. "We're on sentry duty with Pearl."

He smiles and rolls his eyes. "That sentence was almost perfect, right up until you said Pearl," Rhodes replies, taking my arm and walking a little further away from the rest of the Cohort. "She's like a robot. I don't think she knows the meaning of fun," he says, checking to make sure we're out of her earshot. "Why don't you try to lighten her up a bit?"

I smile mischievously. Pranks may not be tolerated well at Camp Jupiter, but a few practical joke never hurt anyone. "Alright, what intel do you have on her?"

"See the girl with the short, whitish blonde hair?" He doesn't look in her direction, trying not to seem suspicious. Cautiously glancing over, I spot her. Pearl does look frightening at first glance— her cold brown eyes stare forward menacingly as she slings a quiver of arrows across her back. Along with the bow, she carries an imperial gold dagger in a sheath by her hip. She's almost Rhodes' height, making her even scarier to shorter girls like myself.

"Pearl Carraway, daughter of Timor, fourteen years old. Known to be scary as hell in battle. Thankfully, she's on our side."

"Timor?" I question. "Never heard of him."

"He's the god of fear, I've been told."

"Ah. Phobos is his Greek name." I notice that Pearl carries herself with a certain air of dignity; she's a natural Roman. I wouldn't be surprised if she's elected as praetor in a few years.

"Her trick is," Rhodes explains, "she can control fear, including her own. So, in the heat of battle, she's able to completely erase her fears. Imagine not being afraid to die." I nod, imagining just that. It seems impossible. Now I see why others are afraid of her; that kind of power is unheard of.

"Are you afraid of death?" I ask him, seeing his face is paler than before. Putting his hand gently in mine, I'm relieved to feel warmth in his skin. Sometimes, Rhodes looks almost vampire-like.

"Isn't everyone?" Rhodes shrugs.

I'm afraid of death more than most— heroes have nothing to fear, since Elysium is waiting for them. I'm not a hero. My afterlife is uncertain at best.

"Anyway, what's the game plan?" He asks, a smile returning to his face.

"I say we wing it," I reply.

"Great," he smirks and holds my hand tighter. He takes off, speedily walking over to her, dragging me with him. I practically stumble into Pearl; the next thing I know, Rhodes is out of my sight, and the girl is glaring at me.

"Do you mind?" She says, almost sneering.

"Sorry," I start to mumble an apology, but stop myself. In a more confident voice, I pipe up, "Sorry to interrupt your business, but I have a question for you."

Pearl doesn't reply, but her curiosity is peaked.

"...Is your refrigerator running?"

She looks back at me, confused. "I suppose it is, I haven't been home in a while—"

I can't believe she's never heard this one before. Cutting her off, I say, "Well, you'd better catch it!"

After processing the joke for a moment, a quick smile passes over her strict face before she wipes it away. "Insufferable..." She shakes her head. "This is not a time for jokes! We're about to go into battle!"

I hear Rhodes laughing from one of the lookout towers.

"Rhodes made me do it!" I burst into a fit of giggles, despite the annoyed look I receive from Pearl.

"Find someone else to bother, lovebirds," she says, rolling his eyes.

Rhodes shrugs his shoulders helplessly. "Sorry, you're stuck with us. Direct orders from Atticus."

I look up at him and smile cheekily, then turn to Pearl with a fake innocent look. She rolls her eyes, a sign that she's overjoyed to be spending the war games with us.

"Why don't you two come up here?" Rhodes waves for us to join him.

Before we can respond, the sound of the horn signals the start of the games. At the same time, I feel the earth trembling beneath my feet. At first, I think it must be the opposing team's footsteps, marching toward our fort.

The shaking becomes more violent. Rhodes and I exchange worried glances.

"Do you feel that?" I ask Pearl.

"What's going on?" Her hardened features don't falter for a moment. She really has no fear.

The ground opens up in various spots, and skeletons rise from the crevice. Soon enough, it's an entire army, and they don't appear to have come in peace; all of them carry weapons made of obsidian. Every camper quickly draws their weapon, and the fight between demigods and skeletons ensues.

Pearl immediately fires her bow, shooting a skeleton's head clean off. I take a few steps forward, aiming my spear at a skeleton who seems to be set on attacking me.

Without warning, the earth sinks beneath my feet. The crack opens wide and I fall into it.

"Rhodes!" I scream as the opening becomes smaller and smaller and I am swallowed whole by the earth, tumbling into what feels like oblivion.

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