Chapter Eleven: "Camp Jupiter"

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It is late afternoon when we arrive at the secret entrance into Camp Jupiter. We just stumble upon it, really; while flying by, I pick out two purple shirted soldiers and quickly put on the brakes, nearly killing us both. The campers are confused at first, but gladly let us in when a drakon pops up out of nowhere, charging straight towards us.

Once safe inside the borders of Camp Jupiter, another camper leads us through New Rome to the Senate House, where we are to meet one of the praetors on duty.

I can't believe my eyes. After only hearing about it for so long, seeing how marvelous New Rome is in person leaves me in awe. The fact that there's a whole city of Roman demigods and legacies astounds me more than ever— that fact that my grandparents are here is almost more than I can take in.

"Incredible, isn't it?" The girl leading us says, noticing my wide eyed stare. I nod in reply, too stunned to speak.

The look on Rhodes' face is priceless— a mixture of childlike wonder and disbelief. He seems on edge, however, which is odd; most demigods would feel right at home here.

We reach the Senate House, which is empty, save two teenagers in purple togas.

"Atticus, July, we have two new arrivals," the girl promptly announces, standing up as tall as she possibly can, which isn't very.

"Thank you, Marie," the boy— Atticus, I assume— replies, then dismisses her. He takes a few steps towards us as Rhodes and I cautiously walk forward. His presence is unnerving, yet powerful; there's no question that he is a praetor.

Atticus is a tall, broad-shouldered boy with short cropped black hair and murky green eyes. He wears a serious expression, looking only slightly annoyed that we interrupted his conversation with the peppy-looking girl next to him.

July waves at us excitedly, which seems out of place for a Roman demigod. The girl's dark brown curls bounce as she walks in stride with Atticus. Her sharp blue eyes shining vibrantly, July appears to be is his polar opposite; I get the impression that she's the type of person who would roll down a hill in a office swivel chair.

"Hello, and welcome to Camp Jupiter of New Rome," Atticus starts his spiel. "My name is Atticus Bruller and I am one of the praetors of the Twelfth Legi—" I had gasped suddenly, prompting him pause, clearly unsettled by my disturbance.

"I-I'm sorry," I apologize, attempting to gather my wits. "My name's Sabine Bruller. It isn't a common last name, so—"

Atticus takes his turn to cut me off. "What is your mortal parents' name?" His voice remains calm, but something in his eyes has changed.

"Amalie is my mother."

He nods once, as if in complete understanding. "July, could you help our other arrival adjust as Sabine and I take care of another matter?"

"Of course!" July quickly links arms with Rhodes, as if to escort him. That girl is a little too friendly for my taste; Rhodes shoots me a panicked look, making me smile in turn. She marches out the door with him at her side, leaving me with Atticus Bruller.

"My aunt Amalie is regarded as a myth around here, for lack of a better term," he explains, not wavering from his strict tone. "Our grandparents always expected her to return some day, but they'll be overjoyed that you have found your way home."

Home. A praetor of Camp Jupiter, my cousin. Making myself a part of this camp will be easier than I thought.

"So you're my cousin," I state, wanting absolute confirmation that his words are true.

"Yes. You are a legacy of the Roman gods Venus and Janus," he heads to the Senate House's entrance, beckoning me to follow. As we step out onto the cobblestone street, he asks, "How much did your mother tell you about New Rome?"


"How, then, did you find out about Camp Jupiter?" He asks, not understanding.

"I'm... a Greek demigod," I reply, hesitating before explaining how I was a daughter of Hephaestus and had been at Camp Half-Blood during the first few weeks of the summer. I didn't think I'd have to explain who my father was so soon. Hopefully, my past can just be my past— I don't want to be labeled as a 'crazed arsonist' again, though the truth will come out eventually.

As we walk, I tell my cousin of my neglected childhood, my time at boarding school, and how I came to be at Camp Half-Blood. My reason for coming to Camp Jupiter, I state, is because I felt that I didn't belong, and that feeling was solidified when Hephaestus told me of my Roman ancestry.

"A descendant of both Greek and Roman gods. That is indeed interesting," Atticus says placidly, appearing to be in deep thought. For a praetor, he doesn't make eye contact very often. He appears confident and assertive, but I can tell he has walls up. I understand him. Others do not easily gain my trust, either.

"I won't be the black sheep of the family, will I? Because of my mother and all," I laugh a little, trying not to seem consciously worried about it.

"Romans always believe in creating their own destinies," he replies. "Your mother's decisions will not hinder your chances of making a name for yourself here. Besides," he adds with a small smile. "You'll get great recommendation letters from our grandparents."

"They have no idea I exist right now," I say tersely.

"That doesn't matter. You're family."

I wonder, if my mother ever decides to return to New Rome, will they gladly accept her back? Or will they scorn her for leaving her home without even saying goodbye? I have to keep telling myself that it shouldn't matter— my mom is never coming back to New Rome, and she isn't relevant in my life anymore.

"This is the place," Atticus says a while later when we stop in front of a majestic cream colored Ancient Rome styled mansion. Rose gardens line the pathway to the front door, and the whole house appears to be dazzling; high arched windows sparkle as sunlight reflects off them. Atticus takes the lead and strolls up to the front porch as I follow a few feet behind him, doubting if this is where I'm really meant to be. "Go on, knock," he tells me, staying right by my side. I gingerly knock twice on the majestic mahogany door.

In a few moments, the door opens.

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