(Chapter 2) Money Doesn't Lie

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NOTE: (y/ln) = your last name

(y/fn) = your first name


Nijimura had gone to bed that night wondering about the daughter of the (y/ln) family.

He woke up in the morning, went about his regular routine, and headed to school.

Throughout class he found himself distracted by thoughts of the girl.

He daydreamed that the operation needed to be preformed would be a success and that the using of the (y/ln) family would not be an issue. However it was just a daydream.

Once school ended Nijimura preformed his regular ritual of visiting his father.

The Raven haired boy took a deep breath before entering his father's hospital room.

"Hello son," coughed a weak voice.

"How are you feeling father?" Asked Shuzo. He tried hard to not show his worry.

However it was to no avail. His father took secret note of his son's stress and put on his strongest smile, "your old man still has a lot of fight left in him," assured the man.

Nijimura cracked a smile yet the doctor's words haunted him.

"Your father's condition will worsen if we cannot preform this operation..."


Lost in his thoughts Nijimura did not notice the sudden coughing fit his father was having.

The sounds of dry heaving, wheezing, and choking snapped the boy from his thoughts. Nijimura frantically grabbed his father and guided his breathing.

Slowly his father began to calm and Nijimura guided the weak man to lay on his back.

"Don't worry father, the doctors will cure you, I promise," the boy soothed.

His father could only nod his head and pass out from exhaustion.

After seeing that event Nijimura has a realization. Shuzo had decided, he would stop at nothing to save his father. His father's health was all that mattered. With this newly found determination the boy left the hospital and called his business associate.

"Ring. Ring. Ring. Click..."

"Nijimura, to what do I owe this pleasure?" Came the associate's voice.

"I want information regarding the rumor you heard." Demanded the Raven.

"Well it's only a rumor... I've told you all I know," replied the associate.

For whatever reason Nijimura did not like the lack of information he was receiving and for whatever reason believed he was being lied to. In retaliation the boy grew furious.

"Then point me in the direction of someone who does know," growled the boy, "who is spreading such a rumor?"

"I only know what I've heard down the line, all the businesses with male heirs are talking about it," this time the voice came shakily and honest. Yet, Nijimura was not entertained by the possibilities that relied on just a rumor.

With that, Nijimura hung up his phone and headed to the only other male heir he was aquatinted with.... Akashi Seijuro.

Nijimura entered Rakuzan, assuming correctly that the young emperor was at basketball practice.

Nijimura then entered the gym and spotted the familiar red head. Akashi was playing with the rest of his team. It had been a long time since Nijimura had played basketball, and an even longer time since he has watched his prodigy play.

To his satisfaction Akashi was amazing and perfect, as always. Akashi finished the game and stared at the bleachers, where Nijimura sat.

"Practice is over," ordered the emperor as he headed towards his former captain.

"Why are you here Shuzo?" Questioned Akashi.

"I need to talk business with you," the black haired boy responded calmly.

The two locked eyes, grey eyes facing heterochromatic ones. As though speaking through eye contact Akashi nodded his head and went to his locker room to change.

After changing Akashi entered the gym and began to walk home with Nijimura.

"Akashi, what do you know about the (y/ln) family?"

"They are second only to my own family business. Mr.(y/ln) runs a strong and clean business. The man is known for efficiency but not emotion, I assume he runs his household as such too."

"What is their household like?"

"Mr.(y/ln)'s wife is deceased. He leaves his fortune to his daughter, (y/fn)."

Nijimura let out a small sigh. "So that's her name," he thought, "(y/fn) (y/ln)."

"I assume you are asking because Mr.(y/ln) has announced that he is searching for a suitor for his daughter," Akashi pressed.

Nijimura eyes widened in shock of the sudden accusation, but he knew better than to deny what is true.

"I'm very interested," he admitted.

"I must admit, I was interested at first, but I have no intention of claiming my empress just yet," Akashi informed, "I've met the girl only in business negotiations between our companies..."

"She's a very impressive girl..." Akashi did not elaborate on his word choice, much to Nijimura's displeasure.

"If you are truly interested in the offer the (y/ln) family is hosting a mascaraed party for the purpose of engaging their daughter... Invitations will arrive in the mail."

Nijimura remained poker faced, but the information was extremely useful to the boy. All he had to do was attend a party and seduce the girl, regular day teens did it everyday.

"Thank you Akashi, I shall be taking my leave."

And with that Nijimura walked a different way down the street to his own house. All the way home he planned his seduction of (y/fn).

"(y/fn) (y/ln), you will be m-... You're money will be mine, and my father will be cured."

--- to be continued ---

*AUTHOR NOTE: thank you for reading! Feel free to comment and like or something! c:

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