- Chapter 3 -

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I had been taking a watch over my sister for six months now, watch her with a smile on her face, even when she was asleep. That smile gave me the will to carry on, it gave me the will to stay strong. I watched as she was getting even more successful in her job, day by day, she would come home and bake a Victoria sponge for when Bobby came home, they would sit together and talk about almost everything, they’re life was perfect.

She was expecting a child soon, I would have been becoming an uncle to a beautiful nephew and today was the baby shower. The whole family was crammed into the average sized living area, the floor littered with boxes with blue bows and wrapping paper. My sister had chosen a strange day for her baby shower, non other than thanksgiving.

I stood in the corner like an invisible stalker, like a lioness in the jungle, with her eyes on the prey. I watched as my brother came with arms full of gifts, it was then I spotted the golden wedding band around his finger, behind him was a small petite woman, her blond hair was pushed back by a red sequined headband.

It then struck my mind like a match, who had he chosen as his best man? Ever since we were young we reassured each other that we would be each others best man. Would he replace me with someone else? Would he have the nerve? I felt a saddening feeling inside of me, but I knew it was just a passing thought. The only bad thing about being a guardian angel is you can not feel emotion.

Of course emotion was still there, somewhere, deep inside. I couldn’t feel it fully, it usually came in flashes I would feel it pass through me like water and then it would flow away, like water down the stream, water down the plug hole…gone…like that. That was all the emotion I would get fed, hardly any, if you were mortal it would be like being locked in a room for months on end. With no emotion as a mortal you would slowly become insane, the pure feeling of everything being locked up in a save or cell, with the key being thrown away…that’s what no emotion would feel like.

You would crave emotion, you would kill for emotion, you would go to the end of the world and back again just to feel that tiny piece of feeling inside. I guess that was one of the things I missed the most, when I say one of the things, I could go on forever about how much being dead, being a guardian of my sister pained me. It pained me more than when I saw her face as she watched my life slowly slipping away from this earth.

My mother then arrived looking as pale and frail as she had ever looked in her life. Her blue eyes were once sparkling with love and life. Now her eye lids were dark and puffy, it was like she cried everyday, her eyes no longer shined but they were lost, swimming in dead thought. Her lips were thin and pressed together. Her face pale white like a fresh blanket of snow, frosted over and froze all her feelings. My mother was now metamorphic, almost like me, like what I had agreed to becoming.

With out a word escaping her mouth, with out a single friendly greeting she clung onto my sisters arm, as if a soul was grabbing for her life, as she lead her into the living area, she descended like a floating feather onto the couch. Everybody watched her with wide eyes, like she was something from a complete other planet, she didn’t question them, neither did she acknowledge their presence around her. She just sat there.

My sister gave everyone a forced smile, handed out drinks and got the door again. It was David Corns, he was the one, in my opinion, who had changed and matured out of everyone. He was greeted with smiles and such. Soon enough all the guests were pouring in. Cousins, Auntie’s, Uncles and friends. My sisters living area with all these guests in made it look as big as a shoe box. I was still crammed in the same corner spotting friends of my sisters who used to go to our school. A question then caught my attention.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t make it to the wedding Greg. Who was your best man? I knew it was meant to be Jace, but he passed before the big day.”

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