Only just met her

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After about 5 minutes of hugging we finally pulled away, I looked at his fingers which was full of blood and shook my head.

"You need to get that cleaned up" I told him and he nodded, we walked to the kitchen and he stood next to me, I ran the cold water and held his hand gently rinsing the blood off. He winced and I was even more careful.

"Thank's" He said smiling at me, I smiled back.

"Do you have any plasters?" I asked and he nodded.

"Bathroom cabinet" I let go of his hand's and walked into the bathroom searching the cabinet for the plasters, I grabbed them and walked back into the kitchen. Frank was sitting down smiling at me and I sat next to him carefully putting the plasters onto his cuts.

"You always cut yourself whilst playing the guitar?" I asked

"Yeah, doesn't hurt though" He smiled even more. I finished putting the plasters down and stared into his eyes, They were so cute, he stared into mine and leaned closer to me. I swallowed hard as he leaned in closer, and closer so our faces were only inches apart.

"Frank..." I whispered and he pulled away quickly, I don't think he knew what he was doing... What was I doing not pulling away?


Holy crap, I just nearly kissed a girl I don't really know. I looked at her and she was blushing, I just wanted to lean in and kiss her! Why!?

"I'll go and get you some pillows and a blanket unless you want to sleep in the bunk's with the others" I chuckled trying to make it less awkward.

"The sofa will be fine" She smiled and stood up walking to the sofa. I walked in the bedroom quietly and saw them all asleep, what would I tell them when they are awake? Why did I even invite her too stay for the week? I'm in so much shit. I went to the back and grabbed some pillows and blankets.

I took one of my tops and jogging bottoms and walked back into the living room. I handed her the clothes and she stared at them.

"We don't really have any girls clothes but you're like my size so... Pj's!" I laughed and she smiled, I set up the bed (Well put the pillows down and put the blanket on the sofa) and sat down on it. She looked at the clothes and laughed.

"I'll just go and get changed" She walked off into the bathroom and I laid down on the sofa or her bed. I felt so tired now. A Few minutes later she came back out and I sat up looking at her. "They're a tiny bit big but I like them like that" She shrugged and sat next to me.

"They suit you" I told her, She grabbed her phone and text her mum. I looked at her and held out my hand. She looked back at me confused. "Mobile" I nodded to the mobile and she shook her head, I smirked.

"Why do you want my phone?"

"I told you I'd take you away for the week, away from your past. Your phone is going to make the past appear so hand it over" She gave me the phone and I turned it off. I shoved it into my pocket and looked back at her.

"When are you going to sleep?" She asked

"Whenever you do" I smirked

"Be honest... Am I going to get in the way of you and your friends?"

"A little, they will understand though. I bet they will love you" I winked. She did a small yawn, she looked more exhausted then Gerard. "I'll let you sleep" I said hugging for one last time and then headed for the bedroom. I climbed in my bunk and closed my eyes. Did I find the right girl, Is the feeling I feel for her love?

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