For the best

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I woke up to see Gerard smiling at me, it was the end of the week. I needed to choose. I sat up rubbing my eyes and Gerard sat next to me.

"Morning" He said handing me a coffee. I took it and sipped it.

"What time is it?" I asked and he shrugged, It looked quite light outside so not too early. I looked at Gerard and he looked a little upset. "You okay?" I asked and he hugged me.

"You know why we're all upset" He chuckled and I hugged him back managing not to spill my coffee. "You decided?" He asked softly and I pulled away.

"For what?" I asked

"Both questions" He replied

"I won't be your girlfriend" I said in the nicest way I possibly could "Because I won't be with you anymore... I've made up my mind and I'm leaving Gerard. It's really been great with you guys but I miss my old friends and my Mum needs me" I Sighed as a tear fell down his cheek. Why did I have to hurt him like this.

"I understand" He whispered and I saw someone walk through the bedroom and Into the living room, Frank stood there red eyed.

"No..." He whispered weakly. I stood up putting my coffee on the table and walked over to him slowly, he kept shaking his head as if he didn't believe it.

"I'm sorry Frank" I whispered

"No your fucking not, if you was sorry you wouldn't leave me. You know how much I love you and I know how much you love me!" He shouted at me, I saw tears stream down his face and I felt a tear fall from my eye. I didn't like hurting them. I hated it... It killed me inside but I've made up my mind. It would be better if I left because I couldn't hurt them anymore.

"It's for the best" I whispered and he put his forehead onto mine gritting his teeth. He shook his head gently and looked me in the eyes.

"Don't lie to yourself Sarah" He whispered, Inches away from my lips. "Tell me you don't love me, tell me it's not going to kill you everyday" He asked.

"Frank don't..."

"Say it"

"I don't love you and I'll live everyday like I used to" I lied. It felt like someone ripped out my heart. His lips came closer to mine... So close they was touching and I kissed him, he pulled away and laughed at me.

"You don't mean it, you can't even control yourself when I'm about to kiss you!" He shouted walking back, he was right. I just walked away and grabbed my bags of clothes. Gerard stood up and helped me with the bags.

"I'll drive you home" He whispered wiping the tears away and we both walked out of the bus putting the bags into the car. I stepped into the car and so did Gerard. He looked at me with a blank expression on his face. "You sure you want to do this?" He asked and I nodded. He turned the engine on and drove off to my house.

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