Why Wait

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We all sat down for dinner, me sitting opposite to Sarah and my parents at the top of the table. Mum made us vegetable lasagna which looked delicious. Sarah seemed so happy around me, do I make her happy? Well I hope so because she makes me happy.

"So Frank, how's the band getting along?" My dad asked me, I smiled and Sarah looked at me with a worried expression.

"Great, we've  just come of tour actually" I smiled.

"Any plans?" Mum asked and I looked at Sarah

"A few" I smiled at her and she blushed.

"So when did you two meet?" Mum asked

"About a week ago" Sarah spoke up and mum looked shocked.

"That's very early" Dad said

"Why wait when you see something special? You need to grab the opportunity whilst you can, you never know what could happen tomorrow" I said and Sarah smiled. I Don't think she hasn't dropped that smile since we arrived.

"Tell us about your family Sarah" My dad said and I took a bite of my food swallowing it hard. She said she had a bad life... Would she tell my parents?

"I don't really talk to my father much, my mum work's as a cook in an Italian restaurant so I hardly see her because she works a lot. I'm the only child" She smiled and took a bite of her meal, I could tell mum wanted to ask her about her dad but I gave her a look and she nodded.


I hate my dad, he left my mum and that really fucked her up. I did feel uncomfortable talking about my family when I'm with Frank who has a perfect life and by the look's of it a perfect family. Frank's mums cooking was nicer than my mums and she was a chef. I think his parents liked me... I mean they was nice to me.

We talked mostly about me and Frank being together and where we met. She asked me if I liked dog's because Frank had a lot. I knew Frank loved dogs and It didn't bother me because I liked dogs too. We all finished eating and I helped Linda with the dishes.

"I see the way he look's at you" She whispered, I looked at her confused. "He really does love you Sarah" She smiled and I felt the butterflies fill my stomach again.

"And I love him" I whispered smiling. We finished with the dishes, her washing up me drying and she took me upstairs to her room. She sat me on the bed and walked over to a little box, she picked it up and walked back handing it to me. I took it and opened it. There was a pretty ring inside, my size and it looked so nice.

"Keep it" She smiled holding my hand.

"I Can't take this..."

"It's been passed down through generations Sarah, I know you'd hate to hurt Frank and he would hate to hurt you. It was my grandmothers and she passed it down to my mother when she met a man, my mum passed it down to me when I met a man and Now you've met my son I'm passing it down to you" She smiled and wiped a tear away from her eye. "I've never seen him so happy" She sniffed and I hugged her.

"Thank you" I whispered, I pulled back and placed the ring on my finger, it fit perfectly. I smiled at it admiring it and Frank walked in.

"Thank's for the dinner mom, Sarah you coming?" He smiled and I held back some tears, I loved him and he loved me. I stood up and walked over taking his hand in mine, We walked downstairs and his parents walked to the door saying there goodbyes to us. We walked to the car and hopped in. Frank had a huge smile on his face.

"Thank's for taking me here" I smiled "Today's been great"

"Who said I'm done?" He smiled and drove off, where was he taking me now? Frank was full of surprises and really good ones.

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