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Quick A/U: 

This somewhat takes place during "Conqeror of Shamballa". Pretend Edward never left, BUT he still wears his fancy attire (Because I think he's very handsome that way ) ENJOY!

It's currently 12:30 at night, and Edward still has not returned home to his wife, who lies awake in bed waiting for him. This isn't the first time Edward has came home late. 

Even after getting his younger brother's body back, he still works with the military going on missions and working with alchemy. It stresses him out a lot, he didn't think that he'd be dealing with less missions and more paperwork as he continued to work as a dog of the military, especially late at night when he wanted to be home to be with his beautiful spouse and cuddle with her until she fell asleep.

Almost at the right time, (y/n) heard the open and close of the front door in the living room, indicating that Edward has returned, probably with dark cresents under his eyes and a blasting headache. (y/n) flopped her legs off the bed and walked out the shared bedroom to her husband, who is by no doubt sitting at the dining table resting his eyes for a couple of minutes until he decided to go to bed.

Edward's head felt like it was about to explode. He was completely tired and just wanted to sleep, but didn't want to disturb his wife who he thought was already asleep. He placed his cool automail hand against his forehead, his index and thumb rubbing the sides of his head, hoping to get rid of the headache. 

Right on cue, he felt a pair of arms snake around his shoulders, with the sound of soft and sleepy puffs near his ear. Edward's hand comes to rest on the table while he leans his head into (y/n)'s cheek.

"Why are you still awake?" He asked, raising his hand again and placing it softly on his wife's hand, the sliver ring on her finger glows slightly from the ceiling light above the table.

"I couldn't....I was waiting for you." (y/n) said.

"You know you don't have to do that." Edward replied, his wife shook her head 'no'.

"I can't help it, I always miss you at night..."

"...I know..." Edward places his left hand against her cheek and lightly kisses her temple. Edward gets up from the chair and turns to (y/n), pulling her in for a hug. She instantly wraps her arms around his torso, burying her head into his toned, clothed chest.

"I'm sorry, believe me I miss you too. I know I'm gone a lot's just...." He sighs in defeat, not knowing what to say to his fatique wife. 

(y/n) just nods, looking up at him to cup his cheeks and kiss him softly. She pulls away looking at her blonde haired husband, smiling at him sweetly.

"You want to talk over it with some coffee?" She asks.He smiles back at her, nodding his head. 

Edward has always enjoyed (y/n)'s coffee. It tasted sweet and soft every time he had a cup. Even though there's milk in it, it always seemed to make him feel better.

As (y/n) was making the coffee, she would drift off just a bit. Edward felt guilty having to come home to see his wife awake only because she was waiting for him, it just made him wish that he was home more often. 

Edward walked over to (y/n), wrapping his arms around her waist and embrace her softly.

"You're not falling asleep on me are you?" He asked, (y/n) shaking her head with a tiny, squeaky hum. He laughs quietly at this and kisses her cheek. His fingers running through her long (h/c) hair that was slightly uncombed. (y/n) shivered slightly at the kind gesture, making her lean into him.

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