I Won't Leave You

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"Al! (y/n)! Run!" I heard Ed shout, as he grabbed my wrist pulling me along with him.

My mind was completely blank, I couldn't think straight, and I was terrified to what might happen to us.

This guy, known as 'Scar' was the one going around killing the other alchemists of the state. And Edward and I are his next targets.

I suddenly felt myself falling, letting out a terrifying screech. Before I could land in the rumble, I felt a hand grab my wrist which made me immediately grab ahold of their wrists.

"Don't let go, (y/n)!" Edward said.

I heard the sound of alchemy pass through as the wall next to us crumbled. I felt a warm body pressed against mine with arms wrapped around me protectively as we landed on the ground.

Everything was happening so fast, it was going by like a blurr. This guy doesn't look like he's going to give up anytime soon. I came back to reality when we were cornered and Ed transmuted a blade while Al got into a fighting stance.

"(y/n), stay at a safe distance, okay? This won't take long." Edward said.

"What? But Ed-"

"Brother's right, (y/n). Just stay out of this, okay? We don't want getting hurt, you already are enough as it is."

Al wasn't lying, my back felt bruised and my head felt like it was about to explode. But, even so, I want to help. I don't want to sit here and watch them get hurt themselves, but I'll stay back for now.

As watched as the two fought with the tan skinned man, both of them easily losing.

Suddenly, the man grabbed onto Al's armor, making it explode.

"AL!" Edward shouted. My eyes were wide.

"ALPHONSE!" I screamed.

Edward was the next, he swung at Scar back and forth, everything was flashing by again. I couldn't make out what was happening. That was until I saw Edward's arm get trapped and destroyed into pieces.

"EDWARD!" I screamed, tears on the bridge of my eyes.

Everything was blank again. I've never seen Edward look so scared before. He tried to crawl away for him but fell over onto his side.

"What about Al, and (y/n)?" Edward asked.

'Wait.....don't tell me he's......' I thought fearfully, letting out a few tears.

"If they get in the way I'll have not choice to kill them...."

"Well then promise me this....."

'Edward....no.....don't say it!...'

"Promise me! You won't touch my brother of (y/n)!"

"Edward! No!" Al shouted

"Very well...I'll be sending you on your way then...." Scar said, as he drew his arm back.

I was scared beyond belief. My best friend and long time crush was about to get killed. My ears were ringing, the noises around me were fuzzy. All I can make out is Al's cries for Ed. Everything around me stopped instantly.


Before my mind caught up, I realized I was running. I wanted to stop, but I knew what I was doing and refused to.

I got in front of Ed, spending my arms out.


That was the last thing I said til I blacked out.

There was no noise, everything was quiet.

I felt like I was drifting away somewhere, away from my family, my friends, and away from myself.

'Have I died...?'

It felt cold. I felt bare and tried to reach for warmth, but it seems like I wouldn't be able to find it.

Then suddenly, I felt a rushed of heat surround me. It felt nice and comferting, but it also felt somewhat.....distraught...

I could start hearing muffled noises that sounded a lot like sobbing. It almost sounded exactly like.....


Suddenly, everything was coming back. I blinked my eyes a couple of times to clear my vision. It was cold and raining hard. I could feel the warmth of my blood start to grow cold from the rain.

The sobbing that I heard was near. I winced a bit when I felt myself being crushed by someone's arm. Something soft pressed against my chest. I looked down to see a head of golden locks that I knew exactly who they belong to.

Regaining a bit of my strength, I raised my left hand and placed on top of Edward's head, stroking his hair softly.

His head shot up as he gasped, looking at me with his golden, tear filled eyes. I smiled slightly at him, moving my hand down to cup his cheek.

"What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost."

His face cringed a bit, as his eyes filled with more tears. He buried his face in my shoulder, sobbing. Just hearing him cry brought tears to my eyes, as I wrapped my arms around his torso.

"Y-you idiot! Why did you do that?....I...I thought I lost you, dammit!" He said, between his sobs. His tears running down my back from the skin of my collarbone. I wince as his grip on me tighten, as if he would to let go I would disappear.


"I....I....can't lose you......I.....I won't let you.......I've already lost my mother.....and I nearly lost Al....if you're gone then...I..." He went to finish, but was interupted by a sob that was choked up in his throat.

I nodded at him. "Honestly, my head has been spinning this whole time had no idea what was going on....but....I'm just glad you didn't get killed.....I know you're pissed at me, but...when I saw you like that....I thought the exact same thing that you're thinking now...." I said, now messing with the bottom of his hair. "If you had died just now....I wouldn't forgive...myself..."

"Still....it was a stupid move.....you idiot..." He said, as he continued crying.

I smiled at him, knowing that even if were falling apart, we're still alive. "Geez....love you too, Ed..." I said, laughing softly. I heard him laugh himself as he placed a gentle kiss to my neck, his hand at the back of my head.

"Don't....don't ever do this again, (y/n)...you hear me?.....don't ever leave me......."

I looked up at the sky to see the sun peeking through the clouds, indicating the rain storm is over.

"I won't leave you....." I whispered softly, my eyes closed as I blacked out from the intense pain in my head.

'I will never leave you....'

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