I Trust You

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{A request from ExplosionQueen }

Edward X Best Friend!Mute!Reader

How long has it been? It seemed so long ago since she last saw him. Let alone "spoken" to him. She laughed at that word. Spoken. When (Y/N) was just a child, she lived with her abusive foster parents. She never knew who her birth parents were, but she always thought about what would it be like to live a life with them. She was never happy when with her foster parents, and with the constant beatings she would get, she eventually became mute. Not a single word came from her mouth. Whenever she was happy, however, it was when she was with her best friend Edward Elric.

Of course she was good friends with Winry and Alphonse, but she was more attached to the hip with Edward then anyone. He was always there for her whenever she needed him. His happiness was her happiness, his anger was her anger, and his tears were her tears.

Years have past by. (Y/N)'s foster parents have abandoned her, and she now lives with Winry. Edward was gone. He left to become a state alchemist so he could search for the legendary philosopher stone to get his limbs back and his brother's body back. (Y/N) desperately wanted to go with them, but knew that Ed would justify against it.

She here she was now, staring out the window as she watched the birds fly by. She would occasionally look over at Winry as she worked on her latest masterpiece. She would also think about what Edward and his brother are doing. How're they managing. If they're getting enough sleep and food to eat. She really misses them. She was suddenly snapped out of her thoughts when the phone rang downstairs. Winry's head perked up before she looked over at (Y/N).

Winry sighed. "I'll be right back, okay?"
(Y/N) nods and continues to look out the window. The young girl began to drift off into space as she began to think about her idiot best friend she cared for so much. His blonde hair that was always in the form of a braid, his golden eyes that shined brighter than the sun, his smile that would make her smile. He was everything to her.

(Y/N) jumped from her seat as she heard Winry yell in rage from downstairs. She got up from her seat and walked down to the living room to see Winry look pinched at the bridge of her nose before she looked at the (h/c) with a sigh.

"Welp..." Winry said, standing up "Looks like we're going to central. We should get packing."

"Why? What Happened?" (Y/N) signed (using sign language). Winry walked past her and up to the shared bedroom to get changed board the next train to central.

"Those idiots happened..." Winry said irritated. (Y/N) sighed; she wasn't surprised that the boys got themselves in trouble again which most likely resulted in Ed's automail getting damaged, but she was still worried for them. She just hopes hat they didn't get too hurt.

~time skip~

The train ride seemed like forever for the two girls. (Y/N) stretched out a bit, her limbs aching from the uncomfortable seats. Winry pulled the girl through the crowd, hoping to see if they can find their way around the big city. It was until a giant man in a military uniform found them and told them that they were sent to escort them to the hospital.

The word hospital rang in (Y/N) head as panic began to set in. She seemed to be dazed the entire ride there until they finally arrived at the hospital. As they reached the room, she didn't hesitate to open the door and look at the blonde haired boy in the bed with bandages around his head and torso.

Edward looked at her with slightly wide eyes before they softened. He smiled at her kindly, tears began to build in the young girls eyes.

"Hey, (Y/N)..." He said softly. His voice like velvet that flowed through her ears. She didn't waste anytime to run over and wrap her arms around him, being careful with his wound that was trying to heal. Her head buried itself into his shoulder, her tears falling into the fabric of shirt as she sobbed silently.

Edward frowned. He wasn't expecting (Y/N) to be here, but he also felt guilty for making his best friend cry. He carefully wrapped his left arm around her shoulders.

"Hey come on, don't cry. I'm okay. It's not a big deal."

(Y/N) lifted her head to look at him, there was sadness and anger and shook her head. She lifted her hands to sign, but they were shaking from crying so much. She felt Edward grab one of her hands as he looked at her with reassurance.

"I'm going to be okay, I promise. I know you're upset with me, but It's not like I'm going to be bound to this hospital bed forever. I'm sorry for making you worried, but I'm fine really. You have to trust me on that." Edward said, as he brushed her tears away.

The young girl before him just held his hand as she laid her head on his shoulder, nodding her head in understanding. Edward just smiled and wrapped his arm around her again.

'I trust you, Ed....I do....'

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2017 ⏰

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