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The black surroundings started to take it's toll for the young girl. She ran and ran trying to find herself an exit.

"Someone! Anyone! Please!"

She felt time slow down as she looked over to see a young boy, with blonde hair and honey golden eyes smile at her.

"Edward..." She smiled with tears of relief in her eyes. She started running towards him, but she seemed to be stuck in the exact same place.

Suddenly, her surroundings changed. Cuts scattered her body and her clothes were torn.

'The Promise Day'

She looked back to where the young boy only for her blood to run cold.

He layed against a piece of stone, covered in blood, eyes wide and full of fear. His beautiful golden eyes were lifeless. Her tears flowed down her cheeks as she desprately ran towards him.

She looked around noticing the other dead corpses around her. Mustang, who layed on the ground bloody with Hawkeye in his arms. Both eyes wide and lifeless.

Alphonse, completely shattered with no blood seal in sight. The cute little Xingese girl known as May, layed by Al's side. Eyes closed with tears falling from her eyes.

The Chimera soldiers, Armstrong, Ling, Lan Fan, Sig and Izumi. All dead.

"No....this...this wasn't suppose to happen....."

Suddenly, she felt herself being grabbed by the tiny black arms from the gate. She looked behind her to see she was indeed being pulled into her gate. She struggled against them, trying to reach her friends.

"No! Guys! Please! Wake up! Edward!"

The Scene changed around her again, as it turned all white and Edward stood in front of her. His hair was down, eyes lifeless and was wearing Black clothing with red tattoos surrounding his skin.

'No....he can't be!'

"Edward! Snap out of it! I refuse to accept this! You're not a homunculus! YOU'RE NOT!"

Edward only stood there, until a evil grin appeared on his lips.

The girl's eyes widen as the gate took her whole



(y/n) sat up abruptly, sweat covered her body as she began to hypervenilate. Tears crawled up in her eyes as the image of blood and the corpses of her friend appeared in her head.

A thunder of footsteps were heard coming up the stairs and down the hall to the bedroom. The door was opened by none other than the former Fullmetal Alchemist, Edward Elric.

He had a look of panic and worry plasted on his face. He looked at the sight of his wife, who head was bowed as she held onto her swollen stomach, as she was 7 months pregnant with there child.

Edward rushed over to her and sat in front of her, putting one hand on her stomach while he brushed some of her hair with the other.

"(y/n)? (y/n), look at me. What's wrong? Are you okay?"

(y/n) looked up from her stomach to her husband, eyes blurred with salty tears as she reached her shaky hands up to his face.


Her (e/c) eyes searched her husband for any of the red tattoos.

"Are you alright? Are you in any pain?"

(y/n) bowed her head down and layed her forehead on his chest, sobbing her acking heart out.

"I-I-I...I h-h-had a nightmare a-a-and.....I-I-I...I saw you die....y-y-you became a hom-m-munculus a-a-and.....I-I w-w-as so scared...."

Edward's eyes widen slightly before he immediately wrapped his arms around her, rubbing her back gently.

"(y/n)....it's okay....I promise everything is okay....."

His wife shook her head rapidly. "No....it wasn't.....It was...b-b-back at the p-p-p-promised day.....'

Edward knew how hard it was for (y/n) about the promised day. He had nevver seen her so terrified in his life.

Edward took one of his hands to lift her head up by her chin so she was looking directly in her eyes.

"(y/n), listen to me. Everything is okay now. We won. Father and the homunculus are dead and Al finally got his body back. I promise that everything is alright, just relax and take deep breaths okay?"

(y/n) nodded, tears still streaming from her (e/c) orbs as she inhaled and exhaled deeply. When she finally calmed down, she leaned herself back into Edward's arms, pressing her cheek against his chest.

"Are you okay now?" Edward asked. (y/n) nodded, looking up at him. She suddenly felt thumps coming from her stomach. Edward and her looked down and smiled.

"Looks like our son is worried about you too." Edward said, laughing softly. (y/n) laughed along with her husband, rubbing her stomach gently.

"I'm sorry...both of you...for making you worried...." (y/n) said, a small smile planted on her face with loose tears hanging on her eyelashes. Edward cupped her face in his hands, kissing her forehead, then her nose, then her lips.

He lingered there for a bit until he pulled back and leaned his forehead against hers.

"I love you." Edward said

"I love you too." (y/n) said

"And I promise. The next time you get scared, I'm going to protect you and chase all your fears and nightmares away."

Edward took one of his hands, placing it on top of her hand that was laying on her stomach.

"I'll protect both of you...I swear, I will....."

(y/n) closed her eyes, letting one final lone tear trail down her cheek.

"Thank you..." (y/n) said as a smile curled onto her lips.

"We love you."

As those words left her lips, Ed could almost hear a faint child voice say it with her.

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