Dancing and Dreaming

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I wasn't gonna update this one until tomorrow, but then I figured why not, may as well make this the last chapter of the year ;)

I honestly don't think I've written something this tooth-rottingly sweet in a long time.... so enjoy your cavities, readers! :P

To achieve the same amount of feelings that I did, I recommend listening to Demons by Imagine Dragons (Sam Tsui cover) and/or Tenerife Sea by Ed Sheeran.



It was late, maybe three in the morning, and I couldn't sleep.

I had seen Trinity kiss Neo today, and for some reason, that image decided to burn itself into my eyelids, keeping me from sleeping.

Neo Anderson is a grown man, perfectly free to kiss anybody he likes, I told myself.

But the darkness and shadows in my cabin made me feel lonely and sad. It was colder than usual, so I pulled my little blanket up around me, shifting myself into my chair. I started rolling out as quietly as I could to look for another blanket.

When I was in the control room, I noticed a little tab open on the computer had gone unattended. I wasn't tired at this point, just cold, so I wheeled over and pulled up a little site to listen to music, a trick Stats had taught me.

There weren't many choices, but there was one simple song I liked more than the others, so I let it play. I sat there with only the light of the computer screen, song playing lowly. My face rested on my hand for a while, and I closed my eyes, listening to a little piano medley lull me to sleep.

My eyes opened when I noticed a presence next to me. In the shadows, it was hard to see who it was, but I jerked to life and quickly tried to shut off the music.

A hand covered my own and stilled it.

"Hey, I didn't mean to scare you," he said softly. I looked away from him, staring at the scrolling digits on the screen. Ignore him. No more Neo.

"What are you doing awake?" He whispered, needing to get close to my ear. His warm breath was on my neck. Stop.

"Can't sleep," I said shortly.

He sighed and sat down next to me.
"Yeah, me either..."

We sat in silence for a minute, listening to the piano tunes. Being here at this hour felt so unreal. We were on a ship heading to the center of the earth. My parents were stuck in the Matrix, probably not even noticing that I wasn't in my apartment. Had they even tried to contact me?

I felt so far away from everyone, so distant and strange, like everything was real but a dream at the same time.

But then I felt Neo's hand intertwine with my own and it brought me back to right here, right now.

"I'm sorry for how I acted the other day. I'm sure you've already heard, but, I heard from the Oracle not too long ago that I'm gonna lose someone very close to me soon,"

"Yeah I did," I said, staring down at his knees because his gaze was too intense. "I'm sorry to hear that."

Neo nodded, "It's no excuse to have acted the way I did. I'm sorry."

I love you. I felt the words on the tip of my tongue, ready to spill over with the smallest push.

"That's alright, I wasn't acting the best lately either."

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