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"Strike a sexy pose honey.  No...no no. You're getting it all wrong. You have to look natural while you're at it." Devina,  the photographer who had come in with her assistant an hour after Kelly left said, getting exasperated. She did a light, nude makeup for me and it was so beautiful but I was really getting angry at Devina and Rico, her assistant. They seemed to enjoy  making me turn,  bend and stretch in different ways just to get the perfect pose.

"Okay...like this?" I asked, bending backwards slightly and running my hands through my hair like Devina did.

"Bravo! Brava! Now just calm down so your facial muscles don't look so strained." I knew she was going to say that because I had a tight smile on my face just to annoy her.

"Urgh...Rico, get me a cup of water and let's take five." She made a great show of flipping her hair and huffing as she walked out of the makeshift studio. I immediately slipped off my shoes and crumpled to the ground in exhaustion. A slight movement at the door caught my attention. I turned to see Francis walking in with a smug smile on his face.

"Bravo! Brava!" He mimicked Devina's high pitched voice. I laughed at the face he made but the cool room suddenly felt hotter. Francis sat cross legged in front of me and stared. Just... stared. It was really unnerving and I suddenly felt the urge to fix my hair.

"Why are you staring at me like that? Is there something on my face?" I patted my face subconsciously.

"I'm staring at you because I'm thinking of how rich you'll make us." He smiled at me. "Really. That's all you can think  about? It's all about the money to you isn't it?"

" Actually, it is." He said dryly. "Hm" I really don't know why I expected better, really but I did. Suddenly, he burst into loud laughter and I couldn't help but stare at him in surprise. What was so funny?  " Your expression, my dear was priceless. You should have seen the disgusted look on your face."

"Urgh! You are so..." I couldn't think of what to say to him. He was just so infuriating. "Hm... let me see, annoying, irritating, ass-wipe-y." He offered. 'Yes. You're all that and more. "
"Darling, you know I'm doing it for you. Nothing else, I swear. I live for only you now." He smiled a cheeky smile and I knew he was teasing me again. I couldn't help the smile that crept up my face. "Shut up."

Before he could reply, Devina walked back in with Rico and snapped her fingers. "Party's over, sugars. Francis, out! Trina, you know what to do!" That had us both scrambling to our feet. Francis was out in five seconds, blowing me a mock air kiss as he left and I went right back to my gruesome photo session. I was truly grateful for the break though, however short it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2016 ⏰

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