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Clearly, I do not own Naruto. This is Kishimoto's blob of play dough. I'm just playing with it.


Kuro talking is in bold 

Igneous talking is in italics 

Name: Raven (last name yet to be revealed later)

Looks: Raven's hair is pitch black, falling just a little past her shoulders. Her bangs are always braided and clipped off to the side. Her eyes are orange and red, sort of like fire. Her skin is slightly tanned, and her chest has begun developing early due to the rapid growth Kuro induces, and she has a nice butt because yoga is for winners. Her eyes are from Igneous, and her hair from Kuro. Her clan does not share those features, although her facial structure and overall size does relate back to her blood relatives.

Height: 4 foot 6 inches 

(I want my characters to feel the pain I once felt of being short. Do not judge me. She will grow out... probably. But I low-key wanna do an AoT spin off thing... like with The Things She's Seen Thing. Shortness = Levi)

Age: 12 to 13 and so on

Clothing, bitch: She wears a dark blue sleevless turtleneck top, like in the picture. She wears jeans at first, but eventually upgrades to black ninja pants that tuck into her boots. The boots are brown and go to the middle of her calf. Oh... the jeans go into the boots too. Yes. That's clothing and... yes.

Personality: Raven is a very calm person who isn't embarrassed easily, and isn't scared by much. Her worst fear is of boats, and she loves dragons and crows. When angered, smoke will billow from her nostrils. Occasionally, a puff of fire will escape her mouth if she sighs, grunts or talks. It just happens, as she cannot hold all that fire within' her forever.

She is definitely a tomboy, despite having rather good fashion sense. With no interest in romance and no care for anyone else's opinions, she's rather bold and brash, and often doesn't think things through as much as she should.


Igneous is a demon dragon with very dark red scales and redish orange eyes, very similar if not identical to Raven's. He posses major fire power, granting Raven the ability to breath fire, although that skill does have its drawbacks. Raven can also eat metal and make her body harden at will, although it greatly slows her down and tires her own. Raven can also eat fire, as she must to survive, but she can not eat her own fire because ew. She also needs metal to survive. He gives her a powerful sense of smell.

Igneous is quite positive most of the time, and despite being a demon, he clearly cares for Raven to some extent. He also has an odd obsession with scented soaps and a fear of small animals.

(It sounds like I made Gajeel and Natsu have a kid, and I think I'm okay with that fact.)


Kuro means black if you were not informed of such.

Kuro has beady black eyes and glossy ebony feathers. He holds the power of the shadows, and grants Raven the ability to use them as well. However, she has to be fast to do this, meaning she can't turn herself to metal and use shadows. She also does not have full control of the shadows, and often finds herself heavily injured after using them if she loses control. She uses them as a last resort. Kuro gives Raven excellent hearing.

Kuro gives Raven the ability to understand some animals to some extent. She knows a few words and phrases, and knows the alphabet so she can understand if they spell something out. However, she has not fully learned how to speak to them. He also makes Raven very poison resistant. Kuro does make Raven rather fast, although her body is much too young and still too fragile to go too fast. She's a bit over average, maybe at Sasuke's speed. She's nowhere near Kakashi, let alone Lee and Gai.

Kuro knows random things and facts he really shouldn't, and loves a good fight. He's rather negative, but enjoys experimenting and learning new things. He's an inventor who loves when Raven creates something new that works. He always seems to have ideas for new poisons, items and other things. Even foods.

The Raven Chronicles: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now